*Twas the night before Christmas, I'm glued to the tree.
I'm wondering what Santa brought just for me.
Could it be fabric or patterns or lace?
Or a serger I said, with a smile on my face.
And that's when I heard him,
"Hi, Santa," I said.
"You know....good little girls should be in their beds."
"I know I should, Santa, and now I've been caught.
But I was just so excited To see what you brought."
"Well, let's take a look in this room where you work."
He shook his head quickly, And left with a jerk.
I heard him exclaim as he put it in gear.
"You've got enough crap, I'll see you next year!"*
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Your success is not a matter of idle chance, it's a matter of making
the right choices.
Success is not something you wait for, but rather something you'll
achieve with effort.
In other words, things won't turn up in this world until you turn them up.
Success is neither magical nor mysterious.
The people that truly succeed in the world are the people who look
for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them,
they make them.
Don't sit on the sidelines, get in the game.
Your access to success has no real limits.
The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now.
Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity for you.
There are grand opportunities all around you.
Open your eyes, and you will find one.
If you have the desire, you have the power to be successful.
Taking continuous action is all that is required.
© Copyright 2008 www.yourdailymotivation.com
Reproduce freely but maintain Copyright notice.
Your success is not a matter of idle chance, it's a matter of making
the right choices.
Success is not something you wait for, but rather something you'll
achieve with effort.
In other words, things won't turn up in this world until you turn them up.
Success is neither magical nor mysterious.
The people that truly succeed in the world are the people who look
for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them,
they make them.
Don't sit on the sidelines, get in the game.
Your access to success has no real limits.
The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now.
Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity for you.
There are grand opportunities all around you.
Open your eyes, and you will find one.
If you have the desire, you have the power to be successful.
Taking continuous action is all that is required.
© Copyright 2008 www.yourdailymotivation.com
Reproduce freely but maintain Copyright notice.
You're the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.
While your character is formed by circumstances,
your own desires can do much to shape those circumstances.
Thus, you have the power over the formation of your own character.
Nature is always at work around you.
Your character and destiny are her handiwork.
She gives you love and hate, jealousy and reverence.
You have the power to choose which impulse you will follow.
You can at any time decide to alter the course of your life.
No one can ever take that away from you.
The greatest power you possess is the power to choose.
You're the master of your joys and your sorrows.
© Copyright 2008 www.yourdailymotivation.com
Reproduce freely but maintain Copyright notice.
You're the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.
While your character is formed by circumstances,
your own desires can do much to shape those circumstances.
Thus, you have the power over the formation of your own character.
Nature is always at work around you.
Your character and destiny are her handiwork.
She gives you love and hate, jealousy and reverence.
You have the power to choose which impulse you will follow.
You can at any time decide to alter the course of your life.
No one can ever take that away from you.
The greatest power you possess is the power to choose.
You're the master of your joys and your sorrows.
© Copyright 2008 www.yourdailymotivation.com
Reproduce freely but maintain Copyright notice.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Twas the Month before Christmas
*Twas the month before Christmas
*When all through our land,*
*Not a Christian was praying*
*Nor taking a stand.*
*See the "PC" Police had taken away,*
*The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*
*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*
*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*
*It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*
* December 25th is just a 'Holiday'.*
*Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*
*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*
*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*
*Something was changing, something quite odd! *
*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*
*In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*
*At Target they're hanging their trees upside down*
* At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found!
*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*
*You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.*
*Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-is-ty*
*Are words that were used to intimidate me.*
*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen*
*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton!*
*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*
*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*
*And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*
* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*
*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*
*The reason for the season, stopped before it started.*
*So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'*
*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*
*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*
Not Happy Holiday!*
Please, all Christians join together and
Wish everyone you meet
Christ is The Reason for the Christ-mas Season!
*When all through our land,*
*Not a Christian was praying*
*Nor taking a stand.*
*See the "PC" Police had taken away,*
*The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*
*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*
*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*
*It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*
* December 25th is just a 'Holiday'.*
*Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*
*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*
*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*
*Something was changing, something quite odd! *
*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*
*In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*
*At Target they're hanging their trees upside down*
* At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found!
*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*
*You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.*
*Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-is-ty*
*Are words that were used to intimidate me.*
*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen*
*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton!*
*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*
*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*
*And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*
* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*
*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*
*The reason for the season, stopped before it started.*
*So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'*
*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*
*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*
Not Happy Holiday!*
Please, all Christians join together and
Wish everyone you meet
Christ is The Reason for the Christ-mas Season!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Molly from The Little Seedling put out a great email that I will just copy here.
So here's Molly's letter:
In 2007, large toy manufacturers who outsource their production violated the public's trust. They were selling toys with dangerously high lead content, toys with unsafe small part, toys with improperly secured and easily swallowed small magnets, and toys made from chemicals that made kids sick.
The United States Congress rightly recognized that the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) lacked the authority and staffing to prevent dangerous toys from being imported into the US. So, they passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) in August, 2008. Among other things, the CPSIA bans lead and phthalates in toys, mandates third-party testing and certification for all toys and requires toy makers to permanently label each toy with a date and batch number.
While we all applauded efforts by the federal government to tighten the safety standards for toys, we all got much more than we bargained for. The law that was passed extends to all products directed to children 12 years of age and younger, and includes such things as clothing & toys and much more, with very few exceptions or exemptions. That wouldn't be so bad, but there are a few requirements that, if left as is, will force most small businesses (and many medium & large sized businesses) out of business....including retailers, and work at home moms.
How this affects retailers and manufactures:
1. Existing Inventory: The law states that any affected product that does not meet the new standard (with the exception of phthalates) cannot be sold from the shelves after February 10th 2009. The problem is that the law includes many new items that have not been under a previous regulation, and have not been tested. To test these items now, on the retail or wholesale level is prohibitively expensive, and/or simply not possible. So it is very difficult to confirm compliance (although most items in most companies would be compliant), and at the same time, penalties for selling anything that doesn't meet the standard are very stiff. The options for anyone with inventory are not pleasant.
2. 3rd Party Testing by SKU: The law will require 3rd party testing in the future for each sku (or style). The large pair of jeans have to be tested separately from the medium size of jeans...even though all materials are the same. This makes testing prohibitively (impossibly) expensive. There are other ways to form a testing regimen and be just as satisfied with the results.
3. Markings: All products manufactured after August 12th, 2009 must have markings on the package and permanent markings on the product indicating where, by whom, and when the product was made. Large corporations can afford purchasing multiple dies to do this. Small companies cannot. European companies with limited sales to the USA likewise cannot.
4. Complexity: The law is extremely complex. Needlessly so. It is requiring companies to hire lawyers just to get a grasp of what is required of them. Also, the requirement of including certificates of compliance of each product shipped, with each product is overly burdensome. Electronic certificates has been approved, and will help, but even then there is a substantial cost to the additional administration---which does very little, if anything, to improve the safety of our toys.
5. Frequency of Testing: We are still trying to get a clear grasp of this. However, it is very possible that each batch must be tested/certified. This is fine for large companies running 10,000 or 100,000 pieces per batch. For small manufacturers, with small runs, it multiplies the enormous cost from point #2, even higher.
What this means is small, innovative companies that typically make niche products, will be forced out of business, or forced to narrow their product range and sell to the mass market. Product availability and selection will diminish. We will be primarily left with imported plastic toys from China. Yes, quite ironic isn't it.
URGENT Action:
The Subcommittee that put this law together is meeting to review its implementation on Wednesday. We need to send a message to them to revise the law or its implementation in ways that will maintain the integrity of the safety standards, but will not decimate the children's products market. Here are the details of the meeting:
The Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection will hold a hearing on Wednesday, December 10, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing is entitled "Implementation of the CPSIA: Urgent Questions about Application Dates, Testing and Certification, and Protecting Children." This is an oversight hearing examining implementation of Public Law 110-314 (H.R. 4040, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)). Witnesses will be by invitation only.
The staff briefing for this hearing will be held on Monday, December 8, 2008, at 4:00 p.m. in room 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.
Here is a link to the list of Committee Members. Please contact your Representative of Congress. If any one of these Representatives on the Subcommittee is YOUR representative, PLEASE be sure to call & email them to voice your concerns about the provisions in the law as they affect you and the children's products industry in general. Please do this today and Monday. Here is the contact information at the CPSC...please contact them with your concerns too.
Here is a link to some suggestions for talking to our representatives from WAHM Solutions.
What else can you do? Pass this on in your blogs, your parent groups, your local community lists, among your friends. There is much misinformation in the market, and it is up to us to warn consumers and colleagues of the pending disappearance of the natural & specialty toys we have come to rely on in the recent years. Sign petitions, and pass the link on to friends.
This is a critical time to raise our voices and be heard. Please do not say it can wait until next week, or after Christmas. Important issues that affect us will be discussed in a public way next week...NOT after Christmas.
What else can you do? If you are a crafter join the Handmade Toy Alliance, join the online community cpsia-central and become informed & involved. Contact the media, discuss this in forums and in your own online communities. It isn't just our businesses that are at risk, it is the very nature of the toys & products our children & grandchildren will have access to in the future.
Please pass this on!
So here's Molly's letter:
In 2007, large toy manufacturers who outsource their production violated the public's trust. They were selling toys with dangerously high lead content, toys with unsafe small part, toys with improperly secured and easily swallowed small magnets, and toys made from chemicals that made kids sick.
The United States Congress rightly recognized that the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) lacked the authority and staffing to prevent dangerous toys from being imported into the US. So, they passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) in August, 2008. Among other things, the CPSIA bans lead and phthalates in toys, mandates third-party testing and certification for all toys and requires toy makers to permanently label each toy with a date and batch number.
While we all applauded efforts by the federal government to tighten the safety standards for toys, we all got much more than we bargained for. The law that was passed extends to all products directed to children 12 years of age and younger, and includes such things as clothing & toys and much more, with very few exceptions or exemptions. That wouldn't be so bad, but there are a few requirements that, if left as is, will force most small businesses (and many medium & large sized businesses) out of business....including retailers, and work at home moms.
How this affects retailers and manufactures:
1. Existing Inventory: The law states that any affected product that does not meet the new standard (with the exception of phthalates) cannot be sold from the shelves after February 10th 2009. The problem is that the law includes many new items that have not been under a previous regulation, and have not been tested. To test these items now, on the retail or wholesale level is prohibitively expensive, and/or simply not possible. So it is very difficult to confirm compliance (although most items in most companies would be compliant), and at the same time, penalties for selling anything that doesn't meet the standard are very stiff. The options for anyone with inventory are not pleasant.
2. 3rd Party Testing by SKU: The law will require 3rd party testing in the future for each sku (or style). The large pair of jeans have to be tested separately from the medium size of jeans...even though all materials are the same. This makes testing prohibitively (impossibly) expensive. There are other ways to form a testing regimen and be just as satisfied with the results.
3. Markings: All products manufactured after August 12th, 2009 must have markings on the package and permanent markings on the product indicating where, by whom, and when the product was made. Large corporations can afford purchasing multiple dies to do this. Small companies cannot. European companies with limited sales to the USA likewise cannot.
4. Complexity: The law is extremely complex. Needlessly so. It is requiring companies to hire lawyers just to get a grasp of what is required of them. Also, the requirement of including certificates of compliance of each product shipped, with each product is overly burdensome. Electronic certificates has been approved, and will help, but even then there is a substantial cost to the additional administration---which does very little, if anything, to improve the safety of our toys.
5. Frequency of Testing: We are still trying to get a clear grasp of this. However, it is very possible that each batch must be tested/certified. This is fine for large companies running 10,000 or 100,000 pieces per batch. For small manufacturers, with small runs, it multiplies the enormous cost from point #2, even higher.
What this means is small, innovative companies that typically make niche products, will be forced out of business, or forced to narrow their product range and sell to the mass market. Product availability and selection will diminish. We will be primarily left with imported plastic toys from China. Yes, quite ironic isn't it.
URGENT Action:
The Subcommittee that put this law together is meeting to review its implementation on Wednesday. We need to send a message to them to revise the law or its implementation in ways that will maintain the integrity of the safety standards, but will not decimate the children's products market. Here are the details of the meeting:
The Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection will hold a hearing on Wednesday, December 10, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing is entitled "Implementation of the CPSIA: Urgent Questions about Application Dates, Testing and Certification, and Protecting Children." This is an oversight hearing examining implementation of Public Law 110-314 (H.R. 4040, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)). Witnesses will be by invitation only.
The staff briefing for this hearing will be held on Monday, December 8, 2008, at 4:00 p.m. in room 2322 Rayburn House Office Building.
Here is a link to the list of Committee Members. Please contact your Representative of Congress. If any one of these Representatives on the Subcommittee is YOUR representative, PLEASE be sure to call & email them to voice your concerns about the provisions in the law as they affect you and the children's products industry in general. Please do this today and Monday. Here is the contact information at the CPSC...please contact them with your concerns too.
Here is a link to some suggestions for talking to our representatives from WAHM Solutions.
What else can you do? Pass this on in your blogs, your parent groups, your local community lists, among your friends. There is much misinformation in the market, and it is up to us to warn consumers and colleagues of the pending disappearance of the natural & specialty toys we have come to rely on in the recent years. Sign petitions, and pass the link on to friends.
This is a critical time to raise our voices and be heard. Please do not say it can wait until next week, or after Christmas. Important issues that affect us will be discussed in a public way next week...NOT after Christmas.
What else can you do? If you are a crafter join the Handmade Toy Alliance, join the online community cpsia-central and become informed & involved. Contact the media, discuss this in forums and in your own online communities. It isn't just our businesses that are at risk, it is the very nature of the toys & products our children & grandchildren will have access to in the future.
Please pass this on!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Old friends and apparently old enemies
OK, I recently reconnected with some old friends from high school and I have had a ball reminiscing and looking at old pictures. It's so much fun to look back on how we were back then.
But then things took a sour note. I found out that apparently I offended an old boyfriend of mine and didn't even know it.
He said "I don't have exceptionally good memories concerning you." Then he proceeded to tell me that he didn't want to fake being my friend. The whole thing left me sitting with my jaw on the ground, unable to think of a good response.
The thing that irks me is I honestly don't remember things ending badly. I was 14 years old. Honestly what could I possibly have done that caused someone to hate me and carry a grudge for 19 years and I don't even know why?? That is just crazy. The sad thing is I have good memories of him. He was my first real boyfriend and my first kiss. How sad! But what can I do?
All I can do is vent to you all. I apologized for whatever it was. I told him I only had fond memories of him. Then I said that I was very taken aback that he had held a grudge all these years and I didn't even know why. It's actually probably a sign of a not so healthy (mental wise) person. We were 14 years old, so if the relationship and subsequent breakup scarred him that bad, I probably wouldn't want to associate with him anyhow.
Have you ever had something similar happen to you? Has someone held a grudge against you for a very long time and you didn't even know why? I would love to hear about it.
But then things took a sour note. I found out that apparently I offended an old boyfriend of mine and didn't even know it.
He said "I don't have exceptionally good memories concerning you." Then he proceeded to tell me that he didn't want to fake being my friend. The whole thing left me sitting with my jaw on the ground, unable to think of a good response.
The thing that irks me is I honestly don't remember things ending badly. I was 14 years old. Honestly what could I possibly have done that caused someone to hate me and carry a grudge for 19 years and I don't even know why?? That is just crazy. The sad thing is I have good memories of him. He was my first real boyfriend and my first kiss. How sad! But what can I do?
All I can do is vent to you all. I apologized for whatever it was. I told him I only had fond memories of him. Then I said that I was very taken aback that he had held a grudge all these years and I didn't even know why. It's actually probably a sign of a not so healthy (mental wise) person. We were 14 years old, so if the relationship and subsequent breakup scarred him that bad, I probably wouldn't want to associate with him anyhow.
Have you ever had something similar happen to you? Has someone held a grudge against you for a very long time and you didn't even know why? I would love to hear about it.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Book Review: New Moon by Stephanie Meyer
This is the second book from the Twilight Saga. The book was good, true to Stephanie Meyer's story telling. She keeps the story very "sanitized" for the younger crowd. It does sort of drag on a little, just in that the story takes a turn that you don't expect nor desire. But it's important to the storyline and how things will eventually end up. Things get quite dramatic in the end as she introduces you to some new characters, the Volturi.
You also get to know the Cullen family a little more extensively and you will grow very fond of them as you read.
All in all, the story is excellent and the love shared between these two is spell binding. We all wish to be looked at and touched like that.
You also get to know the Cullen family a little more extensively and you will grow very fond of them as you read.
All in all, the story is excellent and the love shared between these two is spell binding. We all wish to be looked at and touched like that.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday Tidbits!
I decided to keep this post dedicated to the wonderful world of boutique that most of us know and love so much. I know that we are all cutting back and watching what we are spending, but there are still lots of great deals on eBay. You can save money right now and still dress your little one in one-of-a-kind clothing and accessories.
Here are a few great deals, new designers, large lots, even some $0.99 no reserve auctions.


Then there are resells you can get that have only been worn a time or two and you can usually get them for a fraction of the cost.

Here is just a cute product that I wish I had when my son was a baby!

Monday's Rant/Stupid People : Can you tell me why?
Why would you be so lazy as to stop in the middle of the road with your car, open the door and place your trash in the road and drive off?
I saw this happen twice this weekend. Are Americans really so lazy, selfish, and have so little pride in our country and land that they think it's alright to just sit trash down where ever they are?
If you have done this yourself before, let me ask you a question. Would you eat a piece of candy or a bag of chips and just drop the wrapper in the floor of your bedroom or living room or where ever you were standing? What would happen if you did? You would have bugs all over your house! Your house would eventually be so filthy that it wasn't fit to live.
So why would you do the same thing to our country, states, cities? If we continue to be this selfish, there won't be anything left for our children or our children's children.
I saw this happen twice this weekend. Are Americans really so lazy, selfish, and have so little pride in our country and land that they think it's alright to just sit trash down where ever they are?
If you have done this yourself before, let me ask you a question. Would you eat a piece of candy or a bag of chips and just drop the wrapper in the floor of your bedroom or living room or where ever you were standing? What would happen if you did? You would have bugs all over your house! Your house would eventually be so filthy that it wasn't fit to live.
So why would you do the same thing to our country, states, cities? If we continue to be this selfish, there won't be anything left for our children or our children's children.
Book Review: Marked by PC Cast
I missed last week's book review, so here it is.
Once I finished the Twilight Saga, I went looking for another book that would be comparable and I found that their was another vampire series out there geared towards Young Adults. It is called Marked and it is written by PC Cast and her daughter Kristin Cast.
At first glance, the series seems pretty harmless, it's another version of teenage vampires. This tends to be symbolic with the teenagers as none of them feel they fit in. I guess that's why it's so popular with them. PC Cast called on her daughter Kristin to give the book a decidedly more teenage feel.
Though the story flows easily and keeps your attention, there were several red flags for me.
First, after reading Stephanie Meyer's books I was struck by how she could keep your attention without all the crude and vulgar cursing and language that the Casts' chose to include in their book. I find it irresponsible that a Mother wrote a book and geared it toward teens and included the "F" word more times than my kids have probably heard the word in their entire life. Stephanie Meyer wrote an incredible book series, whose mania is sweeping the nation, actually the whole world, right now.......why could the Casts' have not written their story and gotten street credit the same way with out the foul language?
Second, I have a major problem with the Casts' portrayal of the faith "Believers". She uses every chance she can find in the book to cast a negative light on those of us who believe in God or claim to be Christians. She casts them as hypocritical, judgemental witch-hunters.
Third, there are way too many teens out there treating sex as a casual thing and giving it all away way too soon. This book goes into a little too much detail and talks about a girl giving a guy a blow job in the first few chapters.
In lieu of these things, I think the book should have a Parental Warning on it, and I don't recommend it for teens. At least I know I don't want my girls reading it.
Once I finished the Twilight Saga, I went looking for another book that would be comparable and I found that their was another vampire series out there geared towards Young Adults. It is called Marked and it is written by PC Cast and her daughter Kristin Cast.
At first glance, the series seems pretty harmless, it's another version of teenage vampires. This tends to be symbolic with the teenagers as none of them feel they fit in. I guess that's why it's so popular with them. PC Cast called on her daughter Kristin to give the book a decidedly more teenage feel.
Though the story flows easily and keeps your attention, there were several red flags for me.
First, after reading Stephanie Meyer's books I was struck by how she could keep your attention without all the crude and vulgar cursing and language that the Casts' chose to include in their book. I find it irresponsible that a Mother wrote a book and geared it toward teens and included the "F" word more times than my kids have probably heard the word in their entire life. Stephanie Meyer wrote an incredible book series, whose mania is sweeping the nation, actually the whole world, right now.......why could the Casts' have not written their story and gotten street credit the same way with out the foul language?
Second, I have a major problem with the Casts' portrayal of the faith "Believers". She uses every chance she can find in the book to cast a negative light on those of us who believe in God or claim to be Christians. She casts them as hypocritical, judgemental witch-hunters.
Third, there are way too many teens out there treating sex as a casual thing and giving it all away way too soon. This book goes into a little too much detail and talks about a girl giving a guy a blow job in the first few chapters.
In lieu of these things, I think the book should have a Parental Warning on it, and I don't recommend it for teens. At least I know I don't want my girls reading it.
I am so behind!
It's the plaque of the holiday season. There is so much going on right now, I can hardly keep up.
I have basically went from a WAHM, to working part time outside the home, to working full time outside the home and still keeping my afterschoolers and still selling some on eBay. We've had lots of Girlscout activities, lots of end of term projects with the girls, christmas shopping, and Angel and I even went to see Twilight.
I will try to catch up on the posts that I've missed today and tomorrow, so keep checking back.
I have basically went from a WAHM, to working part time outside the home, to working full time outside the home and still keeping my afterschoolers and still selling some on eBay. We've had lots of Girlscout activities, lots of end of term projects with the girls, christmas shopping, and Angel and I even went to see Twilight.
I will try to catch up on the posts that I've missed today and tomorrow, so keep checking back.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Check out my daughter on youtube!!
If you have a few minutes, watch these videos. My daughter is very determined and of course most of you have heard her sing before. Well she was determined to put some videos on youtube though I really don't think she was ready. However, it could be a good teaching tool for her, especially since we can't afford voice lessons right now.
So anyway, if you would take a few minutes to watch the 3 videos she has up I would appreciate it. If you have a youtube account, then please comment. And constructive criticism is absolutely encouraged. I don't want everyone to jump in there and say Great job Angel, if you don't think she did great. I think she needs to harden up a bit to criticism too. Right now she takes things too personally. So check it out.
Thanks everyone!
So anyway, if you would take a few minutes to watch the 3 videos she has up I would appreciate it. If you have a youtube account, then please comment. And constructive criticism is absolutely encouraged. I don't want everyone to jump in there and say Great job Angel, if you don't think she did great. I think she needs to harden up a bit to criticism too. Right now she takes things too personally. So check it out.
Thanks everyone!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
This is important
Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life.....this is important. These things affect our children. Please read this.
Freaky Friday Deals!!
Yeah, I know I am a little late with this. Better late than never, huh?
Ok, I am going to keep this short and sweet.
The best deals I found recently........go to www.oprah.com, check out Oprah's CLEAN UP YOUR MESSY HOME show with Peter Walsh. There is a link to a free picture book at www.snapfish.com . You have to go thru Oprah's site to qualify and it says that it expires on the 14th, but they've extended the deal thru the 22nd.
There is also a great 20% coupon for the Container Store. Again, this is only for those on the Oprah site.
Who doesn't love free or discounted stuff? How cool is that?
Ok, I am going to keep this short and sweet.
The best deals I found recently........go to www.oprah.com, check out Oprah's CLEAN UP YOUR MESSY HOME show with Peter Walsh. There is a link to a free picture book at www.snapfish.com . You have to go thru Oprah's site to qualify and it says that it expires on the 14th, but they've extended the deal thru the 22nd.
There is also a great 20% coupon for the Container Store. Again, this is only for those on the Oprah site.
Who doesn't love free or discounted stuff? How cool is that?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Warning: today's rant is about politics!
But it's not what you think. I am not complaining about the election results or even about the candidates. This time.
This has been bothering me for a couple weeks.
Why do people have to scare kids with their hate-mongering and lies?
Now, don't get me wrong. I voted for McCain, I am not ashamed to admit that. I am not happy about Obama winning, but I can show respect for our next president regardless. What I don't understand is why do so many people ........and it's both sides, not just the McCain backers........ have to spread malicious lies.
My children, especially my 8 year old son, have come home and told me all kinds of lies. Someone told him that Obama winning would be the end of the world and that he'd start WWIII. Then my 11 year old daughter came home and said someone was telling her and others that Obama would make it illegal for any girl younger than 21 to have a child and that they'd have to have an abortion. Now this one is particularly scary for my girls. But WHY...........why would spread such rumors? I could go on and on. I have heard so many lies this campaign, from the one about Palin and how she doesn't know that Africa is a continent not a country. And some of them are believable and some were even pushed by the media. I just don't understand why anyone would spread rumors and lies and why so many people tend to believe them. With the Internet at pretty much every one's finger-tips these days, the truth is only a click away. People do your research.......don't go scaring my kids with things that they don't need to concern themselves with or that aren't even true! Geesh!!
This has been bothering me for a couple weeks.
Why do people have to scare kids with their hate-mongering and lies?
Now, don't get me wrong. I voted for McCain, I am not ashamed to admit that. I am not happy about Obama winning, but I can show respect for our next president regardless. What I don't understand is why do so many people ........and it's both sides, not just the McCain backers........ have to spread malicious lies.
My children, especially my 8 year old son, have come home and told me all kinds of lies. Someone told him that Obama winning would be the end of the world and that he'd start WWIII. Then my 11 year old daughter came home and said someone was telling her and others that Obama would make it illegal for any girl younger than 21 to have a child and that they'd have to have an abortion. Now this one is particularly scary for my girls. But WHY...........why would spread such rumors? I could go on and on. I have heard so many lies this campaign, from the one about Palin and how she doesn't know that Africa is a continent not a country. And some of them are believable and some were even pushed by the media. I just don't understand why anyone would spread rumors and lies and why so many people tend to believe them. With the Internet at pretty much every one's finger-tips these days, the truth is only a click away. People do your research.......don't go scaring my kids with things that they don't need to concern themselves with or that aren't even true! Geesh!!
Do you think he was fascinated with it or what?
My new posting schedule
So I want to have a schedule of when to post what. I think it will make things a little easier on me now that I am working outside the home again. That way my topic of posting is already narrowed down, and I might even be able to get it written ahead of time.
So, here's what I've come up with.
Sunday is Book Review day
Monday is Stupid People (yeah I know that's a little cynical, but it gives me a day to rant if I need to)
Tuesday Tidbits from Ebay (could be listings, group announcements and so on)
Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays (I've seen this done on other blogs and think it's pretty cool. I might do a picture from my life, or a picture I saw in an auction, or just a random cool picture I found)
Thursday !! (okay this day will be for me to share some exasperating story of what my little monkeys have done now, or maybe even my husband. If I don't have a story to tell then maybe I will share some other bit of info from my life)
Friday Freaky Friday deals (now this one should be a fun one, I will share great deals on ebay, tips on sewing, great new sites I found to use, etc)
Saturday Giveaways (...I am going to try, and notice I say try, and start giving away free gifts for my readers every Saturday. You will have to read, and post comments, and maybe even answer questions from the previous posts to qualify. OOOOH this is going to be fun!!)
Now this is going to be my tentative schedule. It may change as events and holidays come up, but this will give you an idea of some of things I like to blog about and will try and do more of in the future.
I can't wait hear what you think!!
So, here's what I've come up with.
Sunday is Book Review day
Monday is Stupid People (yeah I know that's a little cynical, but it gives me a day to rant if I need to)
Tuesday Tidbits from Ebay (could be listings, group announcements and so on)
Wednesday Wordless Wednesdays (I've seen this done on other blogs and think it's pretty cool. I might do a picture from my life, or a picture I saw in an auction, or just a random cool picture I found)
Thursday !! (okay this day will be for me to share some exasperating story of what my little monkeys have done now, or maybe even my husband. If I don't have a story to tell then maybe I will share some other bit of info from my life)
Friday Freaky Friday deals (now this one should be a fun one, I will share great deals on ebay, tips on sewing, great new sites I found to use, etc)
Saturday Giveaways (...I am going to try, and notice I say try, and start giving away free gifts for my readers every Saturday. You will have to read, and post comments, and maybe even answer questions from the previous posts to qualify. OOOOH this is going to be fun!!)
Now this is going to be my tentative schedule. It may change as events and holidays come up, but this will give you an idea of some of things I like to blog about and will try and do more of in the future.
I can't wait hear what you think!!
In Honor of our veterans
Your Coming Home
by Roger Robicheau
In thrill I wait, you’ll soon be home
Your land, past oceans white with foam
I brave each day till our eyes meet
Your treasured heart, I miss its beat
Such want to have you close to me
Will soon come true, God let it be
When you arrive I won’t be shy
You’ll see excitement, I may cry
I’ll rush to hold my soldier tight
With all my heart and all my might
Emotions will so fill the day
I’ll be the child who loves to play
I’ll beam with pride to be with you
You are the best, no doubt, so true
The time we share will help me through
When days do come without dear you
Your coming home is all I need
Be safe my precious one, Goodspeed
©2003Roger J. Robicheau
by Roger Robicheau
In thrill I wait, you’ll soon be home
Your land, past oceans white with foam
I brave each day till our eyes meet
Your treasured heart, I miss its beat
Such want to have you close to me
Will soon come true, God let it be
When you arrive I won’t be shy
You’ll see excitement, I may cry
I’ll rush to hold my soldier tight
With all my heart and all my might
Emotions will so fill the day
I’ll be the child who loves to play
I’ll beam with pride to be with you
You are the best, no doubt, so true
The time we share will help me through
When days do come without dear you
Your coming home is all I need
Be safe my precious one, Goodspeed
©2003Roger J. Robicheau
Besides this blog, ALL THINGS BOUTIQUE also has another forum called the ALTB CAFE. It is a great place to go see some of the listings by ALTB members. Nikki has been busy the last couple of days updating it.
You can also advertise there, just as you can here, for a small monthly fee. It's a great deal!
Go check out all the great designs!!
You can also advertise there, just as you can here, for a small monthly fee. It's a great deal!
Go check out all the great designs!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Stupid things people do
So Monday is going to be Stupid things people do day. And to mark my point I want to show you a video or two!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
My 100th post
My book review was my 100th post! Can you believe that? It's almost a full year since I started blogging. It's been fun. It's definitely been a learning process, but one I've enjoyed. Here's to another 100 posts!!
Twilight: Sunday Book Review
I decided since I've been so busy lately, that maybe I should set up a schedule for postings. So I don't have the rest of the schedule decided yet, but Sundays or at least every other Sunday, will be a book review.
So my book review this week is on Twilight.
It's a great book, if you haven't read it. They are geared toward teens, but there is enough meat there for adults too. The story is easy to identify with for most of us. Our heroin, Bella, has the normal insecurities. She doesn't feel like she fits in, or that she's good enough to be loved by her boyfriend. She feels awkward and clumsy. Haven't we all felt that way at time?
Stephanie Meyer did a great job of creating a story that's almost believable and that you can lose yourself in while you are reading. It has some great laughs and even some romance to boot. In my opinion, the books are fine for older teens. There is no language or anything that could be considered inappropriate. Even the battle scene is pretty well skipped over and left to your imagination with this book.
Of course this is still a vampire book, but if you read it you will see that Bella's boyfriend, Edward, is careful not to glamorize being a vampire and tells Bella that he may have no soul. He doesn't know what death holds for him, if death EVER comes.
All in all I think the book is good, and can be read by teens with caution. I would make sure to have conversations with your teen on the story line to make sure that they aren't drawn into the whole goth vampire scene and that they know the difference in imagination and reality.
I will probably be reviewing the other Twilight books soon, as well as the movie. So look for those. Also, if you've read the book, let me know what you think about it.
So my book review this week is on Twilight.
It's a great book, if you haven't read it. They are geared toward teens, but there is enough meat there for adults too. The story is easy to identify with for most of us. Our heroin, Bella, has the normal insecurities. She doesn't feel like she fits in, or that she's good enough to be loved by her boyfriend. She feels awkward and clumsy. Haven't we all felt that way at time?
Stephanie Meyer did a great job of creating a story that's almost believable and that you can lose yourself in while you are reading. It has some great laughs and even some romance to boot. In my opinion, the books are fine for older teens. There is no language or anything that could be considered inappropriate. Even the battle scene is pretty well skipped over and left to your imagination with this book.
Of course this is still a vampire book, but if you read it you will see that Bella's boyfriend, Edward, is careful not to glamorize being a vampire and tells Bella that he may have no soul. He doesn't know what death holds for him, if death EVER comes.
All in all I think the book is good, and can be read by teens with caution. I would make sure to have conversations with your teen on the story line to make sure that they aren't drawn into the whole goth vampire scene and that they know the difference in imagination and reality.
I will probably be reviewing the other Twilight books soon, as well as the movie. So look for those. Also, if you've read the book, let me know what you think about it.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Renaissance Festival
Last weekend my girls went to the Renaissance Festival with their Girl Scout troop. I thought I would share some of their pictures. They made their own costumes (or most of them anyway) as part of a sewing badge. They had a great time as you can see from the pictures.
Here's both the girls, and yes they made their dresses. I just helped a little.

This is my Issabug trying on a mask that matches her dress.

Here are some of the Bellydancing Gypsies.

This the Knight during the Joust.
Here's both the girls, and yes they made their dresses. I just helped a little.
This is my Issabug trying on a mask that matches her dress.
Here are some of the Bellydancing Gypsies.
This the Knight during the Joust.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The kids' Halloween costumes
I have been meaning to put these up all week, but it's been really hectic with me starting this new job.
Here's the kids on Halloween. My Mom and I made Alyssa's Geisha custume. It turned out so cute.

Then we decided on Darth Vader for my son. We opted to not buy the off the rack costume but fashion a cheaper version intstead. The mask was actually a trick-or-treat bucket that we cut apart and then drilled holes for the eyes and breathing holes. Then I attached elastic thru two holes on the sides. I think it was fairly simple and considering that he only wore it about an hour, we got our money's worth out of it.
Here's the kids on Halloween. My Mom and I made Alyssa's Geisha custume. It turned out so cute.

Then we decided on Darth Vader for my son. We opted to not buy the off the rack costume but fashion a cheaper version intstead. The mask was actually a trick-or-treat bucket that we cut apart and then drilled holes for the eyes and breathing holes. Then I attached elastic thru two holes on the sides. I think it was fairly simple and considering that he only wore it about an hour, we got our money's worth out of it.

Monday, November 3, 2008
Tomorrow's the day
It will finally be done. I am honestly tired of all the campaigning.
If you haven't voted, please do so. Give your opinions and beliefs a voice. If you don't vote, then you certainly won't have room to complain later on, huh?
If you notice that I haven't been posting quite as much and my posts are rather short, it's because I decided to take on an outside job a few days a week while the kids are at school. I am still here, and will continue to post. And as always....I want to hear what's up with you!!
If you haven't voted, please do so. Give your opinions and beliefs a voice. If you don't vote, then you certainly won't have room to complain later on, huh?
If you notice that I haven't been posting quite as much and my posts are rather short, it's because I decided to take on an outside job a few days a week while the kids are at school. I am still here, and will continue to post. And as always....I want to hear what's up with you!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Did he kiss another woman?
Ok, I have to tell you. I have always wondered about married actors/actresses kissing others during the making of a movie. I have a hard time justifying it just for a job, you know?
So I was wondering last night about the actress in the movie and confirmed that it was NOT Kirk Cameron's wife in the film with him. Then I was curious about the only kissing scene in the whole movie. I was in disbelief that he would kiss another woman that way. It was such an intimate moment, but done so that maybe it wasn't the actress.
I was right....I just read the fireproof blog and they flew in his wife just for the last scene. Isn't that romantic?
So I was wondering last night about the actress in the movie and confirmed that it was NOT Kirk Cameron's wife in the film with him. Then I was curious about the only kissing scene in the whole movie. I was in disbelief that he would kiss another woman that way. It was such an intimate moment, but done so that maybe it wasn't the actress.
I was right....I just read the fireproof blog and they flew in his wife just for the last scene. Isn't that romantic?
FIREPROOF the movie
I just wanted to update you on our movie experience. Yesterday was my husband's and my 14th wedding anniversary. We decided to take an evening away from the kids and go see the movie FIREPROOF which I spoke about in an earlier post.
I thought the movie was fantastic. It was clean, no foul language.....nothing the kids couldn't see. Obviously, the actors weren't big name actors, so some of the acting was subpar, but it didn't hurt the film at all. They were completely believable and true to life. There was a enough action in the movie to keep you on the edge of your seat and holding your breath for what was going to happen next. There was enough comedy in the movie to make it funny and it didn't feel like a chic flick.
Now for the emotional part. Yes, I cried.....balled through most of it. My husband even got glassy eyed and sniffly. There is no way you can be married or at least emotionally involved with someone, and not be moved by this movie. I started tearing up in the first 2 minutes of the movie, but I fought back full blown tears. By the end I just gave up and let them stream down my face. (Bring tissues if you go see it....you WILL need them!) The story line was right on the mark. In fact I could relate with so much of it, it was scary. It had my husband and I nudging each other saying, "sound familiar?" and "been there, done that" many many times.
Of course this is a religious film and talks about Christ and how he loves you and only wants what's best for you. But even if you are turned off by that message, you would enjoy this movie and it's story line. There is so much more to it. Even if your marriage is good, you will find that maybe you could treat your partner a little better, make him/her feel a little more cherished then you do.
Please, go see this movie. You will be glad you did. Click the link to see the trailer.
FIREPROOF the movie
I thought the movie was fantastic. It was clean, no foul language.....nothing the kids couldn't see. Obviously, the actors weren't big name actors, so some of the acting was subpar, but it didn't hurt the film at all. They were completely believable and true to life. There was a enough action in the movie to keep you on the edge of your seat and holding your breath for what was going to happen next. There was enough comedy in the movie to make it funny and it didn't feel like a chic flick.
Now for the emotional part. Yes, I cried.....balled through most of it. My husband even got glassy eyed and sniffly. There is no way you can be married or at least emotionally involved with someone, and not be moved by this movie. I started tearing up in the first 2 minutes of the movie, but I fought back full blown tears. By the end I just gave up and let them stream down my face. (Bring tissues if you go see it....you WILL need them!) The story line was right on the mark. In fact I could relate with so much of it, it was scary. It had my husband and I nudging each other saying, "sound familiar?" and "been there, done that" many many times.
Of course this is a religious film and talks about Christ and how he loves you and only wants what's best for you. But even if you are turned off by that message, you would enjoy this movie and it's story line. There is so much more to it. Even if your marriage is good, you will find that maybe you could treat your partner a little better, make him/her feel a little more cherished then you do.
Please, go see this movie. You will be glad you did. Click the link to see the trailer.
FIREPROOF the movie
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wanna go see a great movie?
If you have seen FACING THE GIANTS and enjoyed it, then you will probably like FIREPROOF. It's produced by the same people. I haven't seen it yet, but the trailer drove me to tears, so I am sure that the movie will have me balling like a baby!!
Check out the website and trailer here: FIREPROOF the movie
My husband and I are going to go see it real soon and I will be sure to come back and tell you how it was. If you've seen it, then come share what you thought here.
Check out the website and trailer here: FIREPROOF the movie
My husband and I are going to go see it real soon and I will be sure to come back and tell you how it was. If you've seen it, then come share what you thought here.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Have you ever had to put your foot down.....
Ever have to put your foot down with your kids and feel bad doing it?
My 13 year old has reached the age where Mom is old and dumb and doesn't know anything, least of all how a young girl should dress.
For Halloween this year she decided she wanted to be a jailbird. We discussed the details very little but I told her that I would look for fabric, but if it wasn't cheap enough, we'd probably buy the costume at the store. Well, turns out that a local fabric store had a pink and black stripe fabric on clearance for $3 a yard, so I snatched it up knowing that she would love it. I was right, she was really excited. Then we started discussing the costume that she wanted to make.
Turns out, her idea of a jailbird and my idea of a jailbird are two very different things. I saw the big baggy pants and long sleeve top. She saw the cute minidress, sleeveless with matching arm sleeves and pink wings to go with it (where does that fit in with a jailbird?). It was something that after careful investigation I could only find under the category of SEXY FEMALE COSTUMES. So I told her it wasn't appropriate and she said the baggy costume I had in mind wasn't "CUTE"! Well after discussing it a couple times, I finally put my foot down. She could either do the pants and shirt combination, or a sack dress style with sleeves (knee length of course), or she would not have a costume at all, since I had already spent the money on fabric.
I felt kind of bad, like I was taking all the fun out of it, but personally going for the cutsie costumes instead of being creative and creating something from scratch takes all the fun out of Halloween.
Guess what she chose.........NO COSTUME at all. I think she thought that I would cave when she told me that and allow her what she wanted. Not a chance. I think that Halloween has been so heavily commercialized that it's no longer a fun holiday for the kids. I really don't care whether we celebrate it or not. Gone are the days of cute kids dressed up like bunnies and lions and Cinderella. Gone are the days of kids putting together their own costumes from Goodwill or the trunk in Grandma's attic.
So what would you have done? How are you feeling about Halloween these days? Have you noticed that the costumes have gotten sexier and sexier even for the little ones? I think its high time that more of us put our foot down and refuse to let our little girls dress like that. How about you?
My 13 year old has reached the age where Mom is old and dumb and doesn't know anything, least of all how a young girl should dress.
For Halloween this year she decided she wanted to be a jailbird. We discussed the details very little but I told her that I would look for fabric, but if it wasn't cheap enough, we'd probably buy the costume at the store. Well, turns out that a local fabric store had a pink and black stripe fabric on clearance for $3 a yard, so I snatched it up knowing that she would love it. I was right, she was really excited. Then we started discussing the costume that she wanted to make.
Turns out, her idea of a jailbird and my idea of a jailbird are two very different things. I saw the big baggy pants and long sleeve top. She saw the cute minidress, sleeveless with matching arm sleeves and pink wings to go with it (where does that fit in with a jailbird?). It was something that after careful investigation I could only find under the category of SEXY FEMALE COSTUMES. So I told her it wasn't appropriate and she said the baggy costume I had in mind wasn't "CUTE"! Well after discussing it a couple times, I finally put my foot down. She could either do the pants and shirt combination, or a sack dress style with sleeves (knee length of course), or she would not have a costume at all, since I had already spent the money on fabric.
I felt kind of bad, like I was taking all the fun out of it, but personally going for the cutsie costumes instead of being creative and creating something from scratch takes all the fun out of Halloween.
Guess what she chose.........NO COSTUME at all. I think she thought that I would cave when she told me that and allow her what she wanted. Not a chance. I think that Halloween has been so heavily commercialized that it's no longer a fun holiday for the kids. I really don't care whether we celebrate it or not. Gone are the days of cute kids dressed up like bunnies and lions and Cinderella. Gone are the days of kids putting together their own costumes from Goodwill or the trunk in Grandma's attic.
So what would you have done? How are you feeling about Halloween these days? Have you noticed that the costumes have gotten sexier and sexier even for the little ones? I think its high time that more of us put our foot down and refuse to let our little girls dress like that. How about you?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Giggle Girls have the Winter Blues!!
God is still there....
He's still there, even now, during hard times. He will gladly hold back the storm and give you peace of mind. He loves you and wants you to be happy and safe.
In this time of need for so many people, I thought that this might inspire some of you to press on.....he's still there caring for us and protecting us.
Lifehouse "Everything" skit
In this time of need for so many people, I thought that this might inspire some of you to press on.....he's still there caring for us and protecting us.
Lifehouse "Everything" skit
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Check out these satires.
Again, I will not debate politics, but these are hilarious!!!
I actually had to laugh at both of these.
I actually had to laugh at both of these.
Monday, October 20, 2008
10 Mistakes of WAHMs and How to Avoid Them
By Jennifer Rogers,
Founder and Owner Moms United in Business, LLC
1. Being a social networking butterfly: Joining many networking sites without taking the time to truly connect on a personal level with members. Not building quality relationships, only looking out for #1 to increase sales and profit.
Solution: Narrow down your networking groups to 1-3 and commit yourself to taking time to truly connect with other members. It is not the number of connections you make that contributes to your success, but the quality of your connections and relationships. Not sure what sites/groups you want to devote your precious free time to? Really investigate what each site/group has to offer and if you feel at home there. While one site/group may be an awesome networking source for another WAHM it may not be a perfect fit for you. Find the sites/groups that are inline with your personality, your own goals and that you actually enjoy being a member. Social Networking online, also referred to as Web 2.0, can be very time consuming. Don't waste your time being a social butterfly getting nowhere fast. Use your time wisely and narrow down your social networking avenues.
2. Advertising/Spamming: Promoting your business anywhere and everywhere with no regard for professional networking or building relationships with potential clients/customers.
Solution: While using ad groups, forums and advertising networking sites can be beneficial it should not be the only marketing campaign you use. You should not waste time spending hours upon hours sending out email blasts and the like. When you have been in business long enough you will see that these methods of making sales do not really work all that well, if at all. Use ad groups and lists in moderation. Nothing screams unprofessional more than a spammer. I see the same WAHMs over and over again posting the same ads in various forums and groups and most of the times those are the same ones that complain about how much time they spend working their business without monetary results.
3. Using poor grammar and spelling: Not taking the time to proof read emails (even social/personal emails), not bothering to capitalize words when appropriate, and multiple spelling errors.
Solution: This too screams unprofessional. We all make mistakes, typos and the like. However, and I know you have seen them, those that post without care or thought into what they are writing. Take the time to proof read all posts and emails. Your written words have as much of an impact online as first impressions have off line.
4. Expecting instant results: Being in business a matter of days, weeks or months and expecting a steady income.
Solution: Understand that most home based businesses do NOT see an actual profit within the first year, and a lot do not see a steady income for up to 3 years. Keep in mind, you reap what you sow, and if you continue to work hard, have patience and keep a steady pace you can be successful. Remember the fable the Tortoise and the Hare?
5. No follow up: Not following up with previous clients/customers or potiential clients/customers.
Solution: Go above and beyond. Send a personal note or card via Snail Mail thanking your client/customer for their business. At the very least, send a follow up email immediately and then one more a few weeks or months down the road. A word of caution, be genuine, this is NOT the time to advertise your business. Do NOT send a note, card or email merely promoting your business or newest products. If mailing out a note or card, feel free to include your business card. Offer a newsletter through your site or blog for those interested in this kind of information.
6. Not using a signature tag in your emails or forum postings.
Solution: Always include a signature tag with your business links and brief info. While some groups and forums do not allow you to do this, a lot do. If it is allowed take advantage, if it is not, abide by the owner's rules and remove any signature tags when posting to those particular groups or forums. Keep your signature brief and to the point. It is aggrevating when a signature includes 20 links with information, huge banners or graphics. Again, this screams unprofessional.
7. No concrete short and long term goals.
Solution: Take the time to write out your short term and long term goals. This will keep you focused and on track. Planning is everything. Long term goals can include a year from now or more. Break down your goals to both weekly and daily goals to make them easier to accomplish and to keep you from feeling overwhelmed.
8. Lack of quality content on sites, blogs and in newsletters.
Solution: Use your sites, blogs and newsletters as avenues to connect with your visitors and readers. Do not use your sites, blogs and newsletters as only an avenue for advertising your products or services. Those are a dime a dozen. Keep your content fresh and geared to your target market. Offer them concrete information they can use or relate to. If writing your own content intimidates you, or is not your strength, use free reprint articles. There are thousands of free articles for reprint sites. Take advantage of them!
9. Not offering freebies/giveaways.
Solution: Offer exciting contests, freebies and giveaways. Nothing draws interest and traffic more than offering something for nothing. BNI (Business Networking International) uses the concept of "Giver's Gain". What does this mean? By giving of yourself, your time, and yes even your products, you will gain more in the end. You could also look at this as another example of you reap what you sow, or what some refer to as "karma". Give and you will recieve.
10. Suffering from Burnout.
Solution: Make time for yourself! As wahms we are constantly giving to others, and while I do advocate the above concept, this includes giving to yourself as well. When you are stressed and suffering from burnout everyone and everything suffers. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. To be at your best and to not succumb to burnout you must pace yourself when juggling the stresses of work and family. You must make yourself a priority on your to do list. You will end up being more fulfilled, more content and more productive.
By Jennifer Rogers,
Founder and Owner Moms United in Business, LLC
1. Being a social networking butterfly: Joining many networking sites without taking the time to truly connect on a personal level with members. Not building quality relationships, only looking out for #1 to increase sales and profit.
Solution: Narrow down your networking groups to 1-3 and commit yourself to taking time to truly connect with other members. It is not the number of connections you make that contributes to your success, but the quality of your connections and relationships. Not sure what sites/groups you want to devote your precious free time to? Really investigate what each site/group has to offer and if you feel at home there. While one site/group may be an awesome networking source for another WAHM it may not be a perfect fit for you. Find the sites/groups that are inline with your personality, your own goals and that you actually enjoy being a member. Social Networking online, also referred to as Web 2.0, can be very time consuming. Don't waste your time being a social butterfly getting nowhere fast. Use your time wisely and narrow down your social networking avenues.
2. Advertising/Spamming: Promoting your business anywhere and everywhere with no regard for professional networking or building relationships with potential clients/customers.
Solution: While using ad groups, forums and advertising networking sites can be beneficial it should not be the only marketing campaign you use. You should not waste time spending hours upon hours sending out email blasts and the like. When you have been in business long enough you will see that these methods of making sales do not really work all that well, if at all. Use ad groups and lists in moderation. Nothing screams unprofessional more than a spammer. I see the same WAHMs over and over again posting the same ads in various forums and groups and most of the times those are the same ones that complain about how much time they spend working their business without monetary results.
3. Using poor grammar and spelling: Not taking the time to proof read emails (even social/personal emails), not bothering to capitalize words when appropriate, and multiple spelling errors.
Solution: This too screams unprofessional. We all make mistakes, typos and the like. However, and I know you have seen them, those that post without care or thought into what they are writing. Take the time to proof read all posts and emails. Your written words have as much of an impact online as first impressions have off line.
4. Expecting instant results: Being in business a matter of days, weeks or months and expecting a steady income.
Solution: Understand that most home based businesses do NOT see an actual profit within the first year, and a lot do not see a steady income for up to 3 years. Keep in mind, you reap what you sow, and if you continue to work hard, have patience and keep a steady pace you can be successful. Remember the fable the Tortoise and the Hare?
5. No follow up: Not following up with previous clients/customers or potiential clients/customers.
Solution: Go above and beyond. Send a personal note or card via Snail Mail thanking your client/customer for their business. At the very least, send a follow up email immediately and then one more a few weeks or months down the road. A word of caution, be genuine, this is NOT the time to advertise your business. Do NOT send a note, card or email merely promoting your business or newest products. If mailing out a note or card, feel free to include your business card. Offer a newsletter through your site or blog for those interested in this kind of information.
6. Not using a signature tag in your emails or forum postings.
Solution: Always include a signature tag with your business links and brief info. While some groups and forums do not allow you to do this, a lot do. If it is allowed take advantage, if it is not, abide by the owner's rules and remove any signature tags when posting to those particular groups or forums. Keep your signature brief and to the point. It is aggrevating when a signature includes 20 links with information, huge banners or graphics. Again, this screams unprofessional.
7. No concrete short and long term goals.
Solution: Take the time to write out your short term and long term goals. This will keep you focused and on track. Planning is everything. Long term goals can include a year from now or more. Break down your goals to both weekly and daily goals to make them easier to accomplish and to keep you from feeling overwhelmed.
8. Lack of quality content on sites, blogs and in newsletters.
Solution: Use your sites, blogs and newsletters as avenues to connect with your visitors and readers. Do not use your sites, blogs and newsletters as only an avenue for advertising your products or services. Those are a dime a dozen. Keep your content fresh and geared to your target market. Offer them concrete information they can use or relate to. If writing your own content intimidates you, or is not your strength, use free reprint articles. There are thousands of free articles for reprint sites. Take advantage of them!
9. Not offering freebies/giveaways.
Solution: Offer exciting contests, freebies and giveaways. Nothing draws interest and traffic more than offering something for nothing. BNI (Business Networking International) uses the concept of "Giver's Gain". What does this mean? By giving of yourself, your time, and yes even your products, you will gain more in the end. You could also look at this as another example of you reap what you sow, or what some refer to as "karma". Give and you will recieve.
10. Suffering from Burnout.
Solution: Make time for yourself! As wahms we are constantly giving to others, and while I do advocate the above concept, this includes giving to yourself as well. When you are stressed and suffering from burnout everyone and everything suffers. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. To be at your best and to not succumb to burnout you must pace yourself when juggling the stresses of work and family. You must make yourself a priority on your to do list. You will end up being more fulfilled, more content and more productive.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Don't Quit!!
Don't Quit
by: Unknown Author
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit.
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out:
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
-You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out
-The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far:
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Giggle Girls Winter Blues launch started today. Come check out all the great listings we've got up. Search GGDB blues to see them. There are some great designs all done with shades of blue.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ok, so I lied. I am posting tonight.
I am wiped out!!! It's been a long day. Ok, it's been a long week! The show went alright. I had a feeling with the current state of the economy and all that I wouldn't have a great day. It wasn't great, but it was alright. I made a little money, gave out tons of flyers, and even got a few leads for customers. So all in all, the day wasn't a complete bust.
I am going now to start listing some of this unsold inventory, so make sure to keep checking back to see all the goodies I list this week.
I am wiped out!!! It's been a long day. Ok, it's been a long week! The show went alright. I had a feeling with the current state of the economy and all that I wouldn't have a great day. It wasn't great, but it was alright. I made a little money, gave out tons of flyers, and even got a few leads for customers. So all in all, the day wasn't a complete bust.
I am going now to start listing some of this unsold inventory, so make sure to keep checking back to see all the goodies I list this week.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Somehow, Someway, I've managed to keep up with posts all week. Now I am down to the 24 hour crunch before the craft show. I will most definitely not post tomorrow and possibly not even Sunday as I'll probably be resting. Have a great weekend! I'll try and take lots of pictures and share with you next week.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Treating Colds
We are going into cold and flu season. Don't I know this all too well! School was in session only 1 week and my whole family had a cold. Now I seem to have picked up another one. So, it's only natural that I would be thinking about ways to make myself feel better. I usually try to take as little medicine as possible. Nowadays it's ibuprofen and cough drops for my throat. But several years ago I used to live on Dayquil or other cold/flu remedies, only to discover a higher incident of sinus infections and bronchitis. I finally came to my own conclusion that staying away from the extra drugs was better. Trying to dry up or stop the natural process only causes more problems in the long run. The cough suppressants only drove the phlegm into my lungs causing bronchitis. Drying it all up with antihistamines usually caused sinus infections later that were 10 times as bad as the cold I originally had. Of course this is my own observations and how things seem to work with me and my family and is certainly not scientific. I am seeing more and more studies done though that all these cold medicines aren't working like they thought they were. Here's a few sources on cold meds and how to effectively and safely treat your cold.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Explaining the Bailout
I don't have a degree in economics and all this talk about the bailout plan confuses me. So I found this email from Congress Women Sue Myrick very interesting.
Below is an op-ed written by Representative, along with an audio update on the credit market crisis.
Credit Market Crisis
The credit market crisis affects you, probably more than you can imagine. For that reason I spent several days last week talking with local business people – many I have known twenty to thirty years. Their businesses are solid. Yet their credit was frozen, causing them to say they would have to lay off employees. That could mean massive unemployment in our area. Most businesses use short-term loans for cash flow, buying equipment, renovations, etc. That’s the way business works. They know they have the income from contracts or sales to pay it off. Mecklenburg County’s debt service is also escalating, causing them to have to make hard decisions.
One car dealer told me that two thirds of all the people who applied for a car loan on his lot last week were denied, even though they had excellent credit. A textile mill in Kings Mountain closed, citing unavailable credit.
Voting for a bill I hate was the hardest decision of my life, worse than agreeing to undergo chemotherapy and radiation when I had breast cancer, with no guarantee it would work. It was the same with that bill.
One was a personal decision that affected one person – me. The bad bill affected 300+ million people. I could not risk doing nothing. We were simply out of time. According to one of my most trusted financial advisers, we’re seeing decades of history happening in weeks.
I talked with an economist who works with business people all over the country, and he told me he’s never seen such fear in their eyes – except when he was in the World Trade Center on 9/11.
People wonder how that bill will help them. Well, the loans the government will buy do have value – homes – behind them. Once the economy stabilizes and home values stop falling, those loans will be sold and the money will go toward our country’s debt.
There are checks and balances on the money. $250 billion to start and that will be monitored before the additional funds can be used. It’s not a blank check.
By voting no the first time, we forced the Securities and Exchange Commission to change the accounting rules so the loans can be listed at fair value.
Also, the FDIC insurance limits are raised from $100,000 to $250,000, which helps small businesses and individuals. It also included some other tax provisions to benefit you.
I believe in doing what is right for you and for our country.
There is a credit crisis. Either you believe that fact or you don't. I do.
I'm old enough to remember the effects of the Great Depression. Make no doubt about it, if the credit markets do freeze up, commerce will grind to a halt. Not a slow down... but a complete freeze. That action would lead to a deep recession – possibly depression - and I felt it had to be avoided.
Sue MyrickMember of Congress
Below is an op-ed written by Representative, along with an audio update on the credit market crisis.
Credit Market Crisis
The credit market crisis affects you, probably more than you can imagine. For that reason I spent several days last week talking with local business people – many I have known twenty to thirty years. Their businesses are solid. Yet their credit was frozen, causing them to say they would have to lay off employees. That could mean massive unemployment in our area. Most businesses use short-term loans for cash flow, buying equipment, renovations, etc. That’s the way business works. They know they have the income from contracts or sales to pay it off. Mecklenburg County’s debt service is also escalating, causing them to have to make hard decisions.
One car dealer told me that two thirds of all the people who applied for a car loan on his lot last week were denied, even though they had excellent credit. A textile mill in Kings Mountain closed, citing unavailable credit.
Voting for a bill I hate was the hardest decision of my life, worse than agreeing to undergo chemotherapy and radiation when I had breast cancer, with no guarantee it would work. It was the same with that bill.
One was a personal decision that affected one person – me. The bad bill affected 300+ million people. I could not risk doing nothing. We were simply out of time. According to one of my most trusted financial advisers, we’re seeing decades of history happening in weeks.
I talked with an economist who works with business people all over the country, and he told me he’s never seen such fear in their eyes – except when he was in the World Trade Center on 9/11.
People wonder how that bill will help them. Well, the loans the government will buy do have value – homes – behind them. Once the economy stabilizes and home values stop falling, those loans will be sold and the money will go toward our country’s debt.
There are checks and balances on the money. $250 billion to start and that will be monitored before the additional funds can be used. It’s not a blank check.
By voting no the first time, we forced the Securities and Exchange Commission to change the accounting rules so the loans can be listed at fair value.
Also, the FDIC insurance limits are raised from $100,000 to $250,000, which helps small businesses and individuals. It also included some other tax provisions to benefit you.
I believe in doing what is right for you and for our country.
There is a credit crisis. Either you believe that fact or you don't. I do.
I'm old enough to remember the effects of the Great Depression. Make no doubt about it, if the credit markets do freeze up, commerce will grind to a halt. Not a slow down... but a complete freeze. That action would lead to a deep recession – possibly depression - and I felt it had to be avoided.
Sue MyrickMember of Congress
How to can Tomatoes from your garden
With all the talk of becoming more self-sufficient, going green, and of course the current.....saving money......I thought a post about how to can tomatoes from your own garden would be good. You know they are vine-ripened, no preservatives and if you choose to make it so, they can be organic. It's a little daunting when you first get started. You have to purchase some supplies that you should be able to reuse over and over, but it's really not hard. Besides, there's nothing like tomatoes from your own garden. The ones in the stores just don't compare.
Here's a site that explains it well, with tips and advice, and it even has great illustrations. Give it a try.
I just did my own salsa and will have to share the recipe. My family loved it!!
Here's a site that explains it well, with tips and advice, and it even has great illustrations. Give it a try.
I just did my own salsa and will have to share the recipe. My family loved it!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
I spent all day today at my sewing machines. I will have to share the pictures tomorrow when I have enough light to take pictures. I am making aprons and matching chef hats for little girls for the holidays. They turned out so cute. I still have lots more to do and will, no doubt, be working overtime this week trying to get it all done. But for now I am going to bed. Got to get my rest so I can do it again tomorrow. Tomorrow should be even more productive because the kids were out of school today, so that meant lots of interruptions.
So Good Night!! :)
So Good Night!! :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
How to make a pillowcase dress
Keeping with my short and sweet posts this week, I found this great blog with directions on how to make a pillowcase dress. The directions are short and sweet too. I was really surprised at how simple they are to make and I've been sewing for a very long time!
Check it out.
Check it out.
Wow!, we hit our 2000th visitor today!
I know that really isn't that many people. But I am definitely up from the 3 or 4 visitors I used to get in a week!! Keep telling people about my blog! I really appreciate all who already do and I would love to hear from you.
Thanks loyal readers.
Thanks loyal readers.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Homemade cleaning supplies
Just another quick post. Jen, our great leader of MUIB told us about her sister's blog and her list of homemade GREEN cleaners. Some I already knew about, some I didn't.
Worth a try either way.
Worth a try either way.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Want to start selling on eBay?
Here's a page with some great tips on getting started. There's also some great links with other info that might benefit both buyers and sellers.
Check it out!
Check it out!
So on to other things. I don't want to dwell on politcal junk too long. I have no desire to debate it with anyone. I just think everyone should be informed no matter who they plan on voting for.
So this week, I have really been cramming, trying to get ready for a craft show next weekend. I may be a little scarce for the the next 9 days or so as I finish up all this product that's not ready. I will try and post something, though it might short and sweet.
Wish me luck.
So this week, I have really been cramming, trying to get ready for a craft show next weekend. I may be a little scarce for the the next 9 days or so as I finish up all this product that's not ready. I will try and post something, though it might short and sweet.
Wish me luck.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Did Obama support infanticide?
I wanted to dig a little deeper into this debate going on between Gianna Jessen and Obama and whether he voted against the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act. This is what I found.
I don't know, you be the judge.
I don't know, you be the judge.
Fun post for October 1st!
Cna yuo raed tihs?
Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if you can raed tihs forwrad it
Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if you can raed tihs forwrad it
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Obama vs. McCain
I'm not even going to say a word about this. Just listen.
What are you thinking?
What are you thinking about this Bailout plan that was defeated? What are your thoughts? Is all this talk of a recession making you nervous? Do you really think it's going to stop people from doing what they need to do? I don't know. I am kind of lost on the whole thing.
Friday, September 26, 2008
I realized today that my kids aren't little kids anymore.
I think I can finally breathe. My house isn't filled with the sound of screaming babies and I am not constantly hollering "stop that", "get down", "that isn't yours", "give it back". Now don't get me wrong. Obviously I still have to correct my children. They still have their moments and their squabbles. I just realized that those moments are fewer and farther between. And most days run smoothly around here with everyone going to and from school and activities without much fuss. It's amazing. When you start having children it's a challenge. You resign yourself to always stepping over toys and having to constantly call them down. You get used to the chaos and the noise. But it's all gone. I blinked, and it's over. No more little children. My youngest will be 9 yrs old here in a couple months. Almost a decade. A decade since the diapers, the crying and the pitter patter of little feet. Almost makes you nostalgic, huh? Almost makes you want to do it again. Almost.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This economy thing Bush's fault?
It's interesting to me that people always want to point fingers and no one wants to take responsibility. I've heard so many people claim that this recession we are in is President Bush's fault. I've heard that the housing market and forclosure crisis is all his fault. But when I start reading about it, this happened over the course of the last 15 years or so and it certainly didn't start in the last 8. So on that note. Someone posted this email on a group that I find interesting. Again, my disclaimer. I do not want to debate politics with anyone. I am just putting info out there as I find it.
Clinton Pressure to Promote Affordable Housing Led to Mortgage Meltdown
Posted by Hans Bader
The current mortgage crisis came about in large part because of Clinton-era government pressure on lenders to make risky loans in order to “make homeownership more affordable for lower-income Americans and those with a poor credit history,” the DC Examiner notes today. “Those steps encouraged riskier mortgage lending by minimizing the role of credit histories in lending decisions, loosening required debt-to-equity ratios to allow borrowers to make small or even no down payments at all, and encouraging lenders the use of floating or adjustable interest-rate mortgages, including those with low ‘teasers.’”
The liberal Village Voice previously chronicled how Clinton Administration housing secretary Andrew Cuomo helped spawn the mortgage crisis through his pressure on lenders to promote affordable housing and diversity. “Andrew Cuomo, the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history, made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country’s current crisis. He took actions that—in combination with many other factors—helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments.
He turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded ‘kickbacks’ to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans. Three to four million families are now facing foreclosure, and Cuomo is one of the reasons why.” (See Wayne Barrett, “Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie: How the Youngest Housing and Urban Development Secretary in History Gave Birth to the Mortgage Crisis,” Village Voice, August 5, 2008).
Investors Business Daily had an editorial yesterday about how another federal “law designed to encourage minority homeownership” also contributed to the mortgage crisis by pressuring lenders to make risky loans.
The Bush Administration also deserves criticism: although some Bush Administration officials “meekly advocated reforms” of the risky practices engaged in by the government-backed mortgage giants (the “Government-Sponsored Enterprises” Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, which received $10 billion annually in taxpayer subsidies even before their current bailout), Fannie’s well-paid lobbyists easily defeated those reform proposals by paying off liberal lawmakers and bullying critics. And the Administration did nothing to end federal obsessions with “affordable housing” and “diversity” that encouraged lenders to make risky loans to borrowers with little savings.
Clinton Pressure to Promote Affordable Housing Led to Mortgage Meltdown
Posted by Hans Bader
The current mortgage crisis came about in large part because of Clinton-era government pressure on lenders to make risky loans in order to “make homeownership more affordable for lower-income Americans and those with a poor credit history,” the DC Examiner notes today. “Those steps encouraged riskier mortgage lending by minimizing the role of credit histories in lending decisions, loosening required debt-to-equity ratios to allow borrowers to make small or even no down payments at all, and encouraging lenders the use of floating or adjustable interest-rate mortgages, including those with low ‘teasers.’”
The liberal Village Voice previously chronicled how Clinton Administration housing secretary Andrew Cuomo helped spawn the mortgage crisis through his pressure on lenders to promote affordable housing and diversity. “Andrew Cuomo, the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history, made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country’s current crisis. He took actions that—in combination with many other factors—helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments.
He turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded ‘kickbacks’ to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans. Three to four million families are now facing foreclosure, and Cuomo is one of the reasons why.” (See Wayne Barrett, “Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie: How the Youngest Housing and Urban Development Secretary in History Gave Birth to the Mortgage Crisis,” Village Voice, August 5, 2008).
Investors Business Daily had an editorial yesterday about how another federal “law designed to encourage minority homeownership” also contributed to the mortgage crisis by pressuring lenders to make risky loans.
The Bush Administration also deserves criticism: although some Bush Administration officials “meekly advocated reforms” of the risky practices engaged in by the government-backed mortgage giants (the “Government-Sponsored Enterprises” Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, which received $10 billion annually in taxpayer subsidies even before their current bailout), Fannie’s well-paid lobbyists easily defeated those reform proposals by paying off liberal lawmakers and bullying critics. And the Administration did nothing to end federal obsessions with “affordable housing” and “diversity” that encouraged lenders to make risky loans to borrowers with little savings.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wow, time flies!
I just realized how many days it's been since I blogged. Time really gets away from you when you are really busy. I am currently staying busy with the Giggle Girl Launch, the kids busy in afterschool activities, my son's Dr's appointments, and getting ready for a craft/fall festival coming up on October 11th. Those will obviously keep me very busy for the next 2 1/2 weeks. But I am still here and will try and get up some new posts.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Reminder about the Giggle Girls THINK PINK launch
I just wanted to quickly remind everyone that the Giggle Girls are in the middle of their THINK PINK launch. Currently there are 44 different charity auctions listed! Ranging from hair clippies, to quilts, to pillowcase dresses, to complete outfits. So much to choose from. Just type GGDB PINK in the search bar on eBay and check out the incredible listings. At least 50% of every auction goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and most are donating 75 to 100%.
Check it out and help us cure Breast Cancer.
search GGDB PINK on eBay
Check it out and help us cure Breast Cancer.
search GGDB PINK on eBay
Friday, September 19, 2008
I've been published!
So this writing thing is just something I enjoy. I don't think I'm particularly good at it. I just enjoy it. From the time that I was a small child I remember being told that I would be a good writer. I was always long-winded, or long-worded as I say. I could always add about 100 extra words to a story that could have been told in a dozen or so. As I've gotten older I found that I enjoy it. It's a creative thing for me just like my sewing and it gives me an outlet for our lives' daily frustrations.
So I began looking for ways to make my writing worth while, other than the fact that I enjoy it, and I found Associated Content. They publish articles and essays by free lance writers all over the country. And I finally had one published!!!! Again it's not even very good, just a typical rant from my head. I was debating the topic with myself and decided to put the ensuing conversation in to words, and so this article was born. Can you believe it? Please go check it out for me and tell me what you think?
Check out my recently published content on AC:
ADHD: To Tell or Not to Tell
So I began looking for ways to make my writing worth while, other than the fact that I enjoy it, and I found Associated Content. They publish articles and essays by free lance writers all over the country. And I finally had one published!!!! Again it's not even very good, just a typical rant from my head. I was debating the topic with myself and decided to put the ensuing conversation in to words, and so this article was born. Can you believe it? Please go check it out for me and tell me what you think?
Check out my recently published content on AC:
ADHD: To Tell or Not to Tell
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Just passing this on!
I like to do things to help fellow designers on eBay. This is from a designer on eBay called sewgirlygirl. She has been trying to drum up votes for her child's school football game to be featured on the news. Could you read the note from her hubby and help them out?!!!
A note from my dear sweet hubby:
Friends and Family:
I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to vote on WSBTV Channel 2's survey to select our school, Prince Avenue Christian School, as the winner and recipient of television coverage this Friday of their football game. We have voters from Alaska to Ohio to New York to Georgia! The vote, however, is not over yet! We have a tenacious competitor in Forsyth Central High School. They have gathered an effective voting group and have surged from over 1,000 votes behind to take a 2,000 vote lead in just the past 30 minutes. You might ask why I am so passionate about Prince Avenue football. While I never put on pads to play myself, it is hard to look past the excitement created by Friday Night lights. I spent my youth attending almost all of my school, Buckeye Valley High School's, football games. We had just about the worst team in the state and seldom won a game, but every Friday night the stadium would be filled with fans. They weren't there to see a victory, but to support their school. That is what I am doing today, supporting my children's school, just as my parent's supported mine. Having attended two high schools, one large and one small, I have to say that the small schools out weigh the big ones in pure passion for their school. Prince Avenue is no exception. The passion these students feel for their school is infectious. Maybe some of you have started to get a taste of that already.
So, friends, family and neighbors, I ask you once again to vote and vote often, but not too often. Once every five minutes will be all that gets counted.
Here is the link:
Please feel free to forward this on to fans of small schools everywhere! Voting ends Friday September 19th at 12:00 Noon!
Thank you,
Seth, Sarah, Sam, Sean, Aimee and Ken
A note from my dear sweet hubby:
Friends and Family:
I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to vote on WSBTV Channel 2's survey to select our school, Prince Avenue Christian School, as the winner and recipient of television coverage this Friday of their football game. We have voters from Alaska to Ohio to New York to Georgia! The vote, however, is not over yet! We have a tenacious competitor in Forsyth Central High School. They have gathered an effective voting group and have surged from over 1,000 votes behind to take a 2,000 vote lead in just the past 30 minutes. You might ask why I am so passionate about Prince Avenue football. While I never put on pads to play myself, it is hard to look past the excitement created by Friday Night lights. I spent my youth attending almost all of my school, Buckeye Valley High School's, football games. We had just about the worst team in the state and seldom won a game, but every Friday night the stadium would be filled with fans. They weren't there to see a victory, but to support their school. That is what I am doing today, supporting my children's school, just as my parent's supported mine. Having attended two high schools, one large and one small, I have to say that the small schools out weigh the big ones in pure passion for their school. Prince Avenue is no exception. The passion these students feel for their school is infectious. Maybe some of you have started to get a taste of that already.
So, friends, family and neighbors, I ask you once again to vote and vote often, but not too often. Once every five minutes will be all that gets counted.
Here is the link:
Please feel free to forward this on to fans of small schools everywhere! Voting ends Friday September 19th at 12:00 Noon!
Thank you,
Seth, Sarah, Sam, Sean, Aimee and Ken
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Giggle Girls and Guests are THINKING PINK!
Time's almost up!!
It's 10:50 pm on Sunday Sept 14th (eastern time). You have until Midnight to register with Mom's United in Business for free! Tomorrow they will be charging for membership into their great group. This is a wonderful resource group for any Mother who is running a business, starting a business or wants to work at home. Come join us! Tell them Teresa Cur sent you!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tips for shooting High Key Photography
How to do High Key Photography.
High Key is a picture on a white background. Not just one that looks white but one that is completely absent of any percentage of color what-so-ever. It's not a simple thing to achieve with photography alone. It can be faked with a photo editing program but I'm going to tell you how you can do it with little to no editing.
The background....
The best way to do it is to buy a large white roll of paper made for photography backgrounds, but they are expensive so you can get away with a very large white piece of canvas or a very thick king size sheet if the child your photographing is small or you can build your own high key white background out of wood creating a wall and floor if your good with a saw and hammer. What ever you use needs to be seamless and flat with no wrinkles. If you choose to use cloth you will still need something solid for the model to stand on because no matter how hard you try you will end up with cloth wrinkles under foot of the model. You can go to lowes and get a large piece of white board in the same section with the paneling that works great for a floor. It has a nice shine to it as well so it can be wiped clean incase of accidents.
The lights......
There are cheap ways to rig up make shift lighting but unless you want to do allot of photo editing afterwards you really can't skimp on lighting to get the effect your looking for. You can get some fairly inexpensive professional photography lighting on ebay. There are lots of different brands. If you choose Tungstan you have to realize that it casts a warm yellowish light so you will have to set your cameras white balance to Tungstan to make up for that color tone. I personally like fluorescent lights because they throw off a nice white light and they don't get hot to annoy my models and they save on energy. You will need at lease 4 different lights to set this up properly although one more wouldn't hurt.
You can find a great set on ebay at the following link.
If you are photographing in your house you need to check your fuse box to make sure it can handle all these extra watts without blowing a fuse. Otherwise your going to be getting flustered trying to snap shots in between the lights going out.
Important, Don't mix and match lights. for example don't use a tungstan light and a fluorescent light in the same shoot. No matter how you set your white balance on your camera it will not come out white.
Setting up the lights......
Have your model stand about 5 feet from the background and put 2/3 lights behind her pointing at the background. One on the left side aimed at the right side of the background and one on the right side aimed at the left side of the background. Another boom light over top aimed at the middle of the backdrop would not hurt either. Remember you want the background to be completely blown out with light. Now light your model with the other 2 lights. One on her right and one on her left. Distance them from her enough so that she is not too bright. Especially if she is wearing something white. You want her to be darker to stand out from the background but not so dark that she doesn't look good.
Finally once you take the pictures open them up in a photo editing program and read the color percentages all over the background mainly around the edges. If it does not read all 0% you will have to color correct it to be right, otherwise when its posted to the web you will be able to see the break between picture and background on the internet.
Here's an example of High Key Photography!!

Have fun taking pictures and remember. practice makes perfect!
Angela Owens
Owens Photography
High Key is a picture on a white background. Not just one that looks white but one that is completely absent of any percentage of color what-so-ever. It's not a simple thing to achieve with photography alone. It can be faked with a photo editing program but I'm going to tell you how you can do it with little to no editing.
The background....
The best way to do it is to buy a large white roll of paper made for photography backgrounds, but they are expensive so you can get away with a very large white piece of canvas or a very thick king size sheet if the child your photographing is small or you can build your own high key white background out of wood creating a wall and floor if your good with a saw and hammer. What ever you use needs to be seamless and flat with no wrinkles. If you choose to use cloth you will still need something solid for the model to stand on because no matter how hard you try you will end up with cloth wrinkles under foot of the model. You can go to lowes and get a large piece of white board in the same section with the paneling that works great for a floor. It has a nice shine to it as well so it can be wiped clean incase of accidents.
The lights......
There are cheap ways to rig up make shift lighting but unless you want to do allot of photo editing afterwards you really can't skimp on lighting to get the effect your looking for. You can get some fairly inexpensive professional photography lighting on ebay. There are lots of different brands. If you choose Tungstan you have to realize that it casts a warm yellowish light so you will have to set your cameras white balance to Tungstan to make up for that color tone. I personally like fluorescent lights because they throw off a nice white light and they don't get hot to annoy my models and they save on energy. You will need at lease 4 different lights to set this up properly although one more wouldn't hurt.
You can find a great set on ebay at the following link.
If you are photographing in your house you need to check your fuse box to make sure it can handle all these extra watts without blowing a fuse. Otherwise your going to be getting flustered trying to snap shots in between the lights going out.
Important, Don't mix and match lights. for example don't use a tungstan light and a fluorescent light in the same shoot. No matter how you set your white balance on your camera it will not come out white.
Setting up the lights......
Have your model stand about 5 feet from the background and put 2/3 lights behind her pointing at the background. One on the left side aimed at the right side of the background and one on the right side aimed at the left side of the background. Another boom light over top aimed at the middle of the backdrop would not hurt either. Remember you want the background to be completely blown out with light. Now light your model with the other 2 lights. One on her right and one on her left. Distance them from her enough so that she is not too bright. Especially if she is wearing something white. You want her to be darker to stand out from the background but not so dark that she doesn't look good.
Finally once you take the pictures open them up in a photo editing program and read the color percentages all over the background mainly around the edges. If it does not read all 0% you will have to color correct it to be right, otherwise when its posted to the web you will be able to see the break between picture and background on the internet.
Here's an example of High Key Photography!!

Have fun taking pictures and remember. practice makes perfect!
Angela Owens
Owens Photography
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Where were you?
Today is the anniversary of 9/11, the WTC attacks. I felt that it was appropriate to take a moment today and just reflect on that day. Where were you that day? What were you feeling?
I was at home, and actually sleeping when the whole thing started. With a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old at home still sleeping I went back to bed that morning after getting my Kindergardner off to school. My DH called to tell me to turn on the TV. I remember suddenly being very afraid for my family. I had to call my brother and sister and make sure they knew what was going on. I called my parents, they were in Vegas and scheduled to come home in the next day or so. I remember watching the drama unfold, and my horror when the first tower fell........I knew there were still people in there. I sat at my TV and cried. I ended up going and getting my daughter from school early. It just seemed appropriate that I keep my children close and safe with me that day.
And so, that's where I was 7 years ago today. Where were you?
I was at home, and actually sleeping when the whole thing started. With a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old at home still sleeping I went back to bed that morning after getting my Kindergardner off to school. My DH called to tell me to turn on the TV. I remember suddenly being very afraid for my family. I had to call my brother and sister and make sure they knew what was going on. I called my parents, they were in Vegas and scheduled to come home in the next day or so. I remember watching the drama unfold, and my horror when the first tower fell........I knew there were still people in there. I sat at my TV and cried. I ended up going and getting my daughter from school early. It just seemed appropriate that I keep my children close and safe with me that day.
And so, that's where I was 7 years ago today. Where were you?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
It's BTS and back to all the germs too!
Yes, we are only in our 3rd week back to school and the kids have already brought home a bug.
It started last week with a sore throat. My little Mama, little monster and I all came down with a cold following the sore throat. Then just when I was starting to feel better (Monday) and I thought I would be able to get some work done with the kids in school, my Tomboy gets up with a fever of 102. So I've spent the last 2 days dealing with her. After a trip to the Dr, we know that she has an ear infection and possible strep (rapid test was neg).
So, she's finally back in school today. I will try and get back to routine. Now if only men didn't require more babying than kids....yes DH has it now!!
It started last week with a sore throat. My little Mama, little monster and I all came down with a cold following the sore throat. Then just when I was starting to feel better (Monday) and I thought I would be able to get some work done with the kids in school, my Tomboy gets up with a fever of 102. So I've spent the last 2 days dealing with her. After a trip to the Dr, we know that she has an ear infection and possible strep (rapid test was neg).
So, she's finally back in school today. I will try and get back to routine. Now if only men didn't require more babying than kids....yes DH has it now!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
This was taken from www.aop.com. It just shows the views of the two main presidential candidates. I don't want to debate which one to vote for...I just want to put out there the info so you can make an informed decision based on your views.
Senator John McCain at a Glance
- Voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits same-sex couples from receiving federal rights and benefits in any state.
- Campaigned for a ban on same-sex relationship recognition in his home state of Arizona, including appearing in a campaign television ad.
- Believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman.
- Voted to confirm President Bush's judicial nominees who had taken anti-homosexual positions.
- Believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned to protect the life of the unborn. Has publicly stated that life begins at conception.
- Opposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes, but supports funding for amniotic fluid and adult stem cell research and other types of scientific study that do not involve the use of human embryos.
- Co-sponsored the Education A-Plus bill in 1997 and again in 1999, which allows parents to open tax-free savings accounts for their children's educational expenses, including tutoring, computers, and tuition.
- Supports school vouchers and empowering parents to choose among schools for their children, including charter schools, homeschooling, and public schools.
- Believes the decision of teaching creationism curriculum alongside evolution in schools should be made at the local level.
Senator Barack Obama at a Glance
- Voted against a Federal Marriage Amendment.
- Opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, which gives states the option of not recognizing another state's "gay marriages" and prohibits the federal government from recognizing "gay marriage."
- Supports civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, as well as letting individual states determine if marriage between gay and lesbian couples should be legalized.
- Supports gays and lesbians having the same rights as heterosexuals to adopt children.
- Original co-sponsor of legislation to expand access to contraception, health information, and preventive services to help reduce unintended pregnancies.
- In January 2007, introduced the Prevention First Act that increases funding for family planning and comprehensive sex education.
- Plans to reform the No Child Left Behind Act.
- Has made no public statement about homeschooling. However, he is endorsed by the National Education Association (NEA). The NEA agenda opposes homeschooling unless children are taught by state-licensed teachers using a state-approved curriculum and wants to bar homeschoolers from participating in any extracurricular activities in public schools.
- Will implement the "Zero to Five" plan, a preschool agenda that begins at birth and does the following:
* Quadruples the number of children in Early Head Start
* Increases Head Start funding
* Encourages all states to adopt a voluntary, universal preschool
* Provides funding for early learning challenge grants
* Increases tax credits for working parents with child care expenses
* Expands evidence-based home visiting programs
Taken from www.aop.com
Senator John McCain at a Glance
- Voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits same-sex couples from receiving federal rights and benefits in any state.
- Campaigned for a ban on same-sex relationship recognition in his home state of Arizona, including appearing in a campaign television ad.
- Believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman.
- Voted to confirm President Bush's judicial nominees who had taken anti-homosexual positions.
- Believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned to protect the life of the unborn. Has publicly stated that life begins at conception.
- Opposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes, but supports funding for amniotic fluid and adult stem cell research and other types of scientific study that do not involve the use of human embryos.
- Co-sponsored the Education A-Plus bill in 1997 and again in 1999, which allows parents to open tax-free savings accounts for their children's educational expenses, including tutoring, computers, and tuition.
- Supports school vouchers and empowering parents to choose among schools for their children, including charter schools, homeschooling, and public schools.
- Believes the decision of teaching creationism curriculum alongside evolution in schools should be made at the local level.
Senator Barack Obama at a Glance
- Voted against a Federal Marriage Amendment.
- Opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, which gives states the option of not recognizing another state's "gay marriages" and prohibits the federal government from recognizing "gay marriage."
- Supports civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, as well as letting individual states determine if marriage between gay and lesbian couples should be legalized.
- Supports gays and lesbians having the same rights as heterosexuals to adopt children.
- Original co-sponsor of legislation to expand access to contraception, health information, and preventive services to help reduce unintended pregnancies.
- In January 2007, introduced the Prevention First Act that increases funding for family planning and comprehensive sex education.
- Plans to reform the No Child Left Behind Act.
- Has made no public statement about homeschooling. However, he is endorsed by the National Education Association (NEA). The NEA agenda opposes homeschooling unless children are taught by state-licensed teachers using a state-approved curriculum and wants to bar homeschoolers from participating in any extracurricular activities in public schools.
- Will implement the "Zero to Five" plan, a preschool agenda that begins at birth and does the following:
* Quadruples the number of children in Early Head Start
* Increases Head Start funding
* Encourages all states to adopt a voluntary, universal preschool
* Provides funding for early learning challenge grants
* Increases tax credits for working parents with child care expenses
* Expands evidence-based home visiting programs
Taken from www.aop.com
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Free Membership with Mom United in Business
Moms United in Business is a great business network and resource for Moms trying to start a business, running a business or even just thinking of starting a business from home. I have learned so so much from them over the last several months. I have blogged about them before, but this time is different.
They have grown by leaps and bounds over the last few months and added lots of great new features and resources to their site. Starting on September 15, everything that I have up till now gotten for free, you will have to pay for. But thru September 14 it's still free! So jump in there and register! What have you got to lose? You get a lifetime membership to Moms United in Business for FREE! IT's completely FREE, no catches or limitations. Just register on the main site.
Tell them Teresa Cur sent you! :)
They have grown by leaps and bounds over the last few months and added lots of great new features and resources to their site. Starting on September 15, everything that I have up till now gotten for free, you will have to pay for. But thru September 14 it's still free! So jump in there and register! What have you got to lose? You get a lifetime membership to Moms United in Business for FREE! IT's completely FREE, no catches or limitations. Just register on the main site.
Tell them Teresa Cur sent you! :)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Shirring Made Easy by Talia*Couture
This is fast, easy and concise directions for trying shirring for the first time. I am sure there are other methods out there, but this is great for beginners. Feel free to comment and share any tips or tricks that you know as well!
Let's use the back of a halter dress for an example:
DOUBLE the measurements of the width of the fabric for the back.
Finish all your edges the way you want.
Take a spool of elastic thread, and wind your bobbin on the machine just as you normally would.
Place the bobbin in it's place and use REGULAR thread for the front side of fabric.
Holding the fabric taught, with your machine on the loosest tension and the stitch set to wide and long, sew across the fabric front side up.
The elastic stitch should be on the inside of your garment.
I use the presser foot as my guide as to how wide to space my rows.
When you are done, pull each stitch tighter to gather a bit more.
Then pull the reg. thread stitch through to the inside of garment so it is next to the elastic understitch, and tie them together to lock. Do that on each side of the rows.
That should be it.
I hope I explained it well enough!!!!!!! LOL
I am not that good at teaching! LOL
Thanks Nanci for the wonderful lesson.
If you'd like to see Nanci's great designs here's a link.
Let's use the back of a halter dress for an example:
DOUBLE the measurements of the width of the fabric for the back.
Finish all your edges the way you want.
Take a spool of elastic thread, and wind your bobbin on the machine just as you normally would.
Place the bobbin in it's place and use REGULAR thread for the front side of fabric.
Holding the fabric taught, with your machine on the loosest tension and the stitch set to wide and long, sew across the fabric front side up.
The elastic stitch should be on the inside of your garment.
I use the presser foot as my guide as to how wide to space my rows.
When you are done, pull each stitch tighter to gather a bit more.
Then pull the reg. thread stitch through to the inside of garment so it is next to the elastic understitch, and tie them together to lock. Do that on each side of the rows.
That should be it.
I hope I explained it well enough!!!!!!! LOL
I am not that good at teaching! LOL
Thanks Nanci for the wonderful lesson.
If you'd like to see Nanci's great designs here's a link.
Monday, September 1, 2008
How to take a great picture!
Here's another informative article. This one is about taking a great picture. This article was written by Angela Owens of Owens Photography.
First off you need a good camera. I personally like digital. It's easier to take pictures and only pick the ones you want without having to waste money on developing ones you don't want. The higher the mega pixel the better and it helps if the camera offers added functions so you can adjust for lighting, speed, etc. When photographing a subject or model, make sure it is centered up. a slight angle can add feeling to the picture but not everyone wants pictures on an angle so take that into account first. Most customers want multiple shots at different angles. Front, Back, Closeups of the most important details on the outfits and maybe an overall shot with a prop to use as a main shot. Always make sure the outfit is pressed and neat and properly displayed or fitted on the child. If you are using a model make sure the child doesn't put their arms or any objects in front of the outfit. Pull the hair back or put it behind the outfit so that all of the detail can be seen clearly. If you are shooting outdoors do it on a cloudy day so that the sunlight doesn't hit directly over the model. It can cause overly dark shadows and overly blown out light spots and won't show the outfit at its best. If its a really sunny day go to a shady area to shoot. In most cases you should turn off the external flash on your camera. It usually only causes shadowing in places you don't want and keeps the picture from looking professional. If you don't have enough light hitting your model in the shade try getting two large very stiff white poster boards and using them to catch the suns light and reflect it onto your model from different directions. If you don't have professional lighting this is also a good trick to use to shoot indoors near large windows where lots of sunlight is coming in. Don't photograph the child standing against a wall and use a flash it will make a dark shadow behind them. How ever you choose to light the subject you should make sure the light is coming in at different directions not just one so that the model and outfit is evenly lit.
First off you need a good camera. I personally like digital. It's easier to take pictures and only pick the ones you want without having to waste money on developing ones you don't want. The higher the mega pixel the better and it helps if the camera offers added functions so you can adjust for lighting, speed, etc. When photographing a subject or model, make sure it is centered up. a slight angle can add feeling to the picture but not everyone wants pictures on an angle so take that into account first. Most customers want multiple shots at different angles. Front, Back, Closeups of the most important details on the outfits and maybe an overall shot with a prop to use as a main shot. Always make sure the outfit is pressed and neat and properly displayed or fitted on the child. If you are using a model make sure the child doesn't put their arms or any objects in front of the outfit. Pull the hair back or put it behind the outfit so that all of the detail can be seen clearly. If you are shooting outdoors do it on a cloudy day so that the sunlight doesn't hit directly over the model. It can cause overly dark shadows and overly blown out light spots and won't show the outfit at its best. If its a really sunny day go to a shady area to shoot. In most cases you should turn off the external flash on your camera. It usually only causes shadowing in places you don't want and keeps the picture from looking professional. If you don't have enough light hitting your model in the shade try getting two large very stiff white poster boards and using them to catch the suns light and reflect it onto your model from different directions. If you don't have professional lighting this is also a good trick to use to shoot indoors near large windows where lots of sunlight is coming in. Don't photograph the child standing against a wall and use a flash it will make a dark shadow behind them. How ever you choose to light the subject you should make sure the light is coming in at different directions not just one so that the model and outfit is evenly lit.


Getting your child to do what you want is tricky, especially if they are very small. Just remember they don't always have to be looking at the camera to make a good shot. In fact a lot of designers don't care for them to look at the camera because they want to showcase the clothing more than the child wearing them. Not every child is the same so different tricks will work for different children but here are a few ideas. For babies get a bright colored feather duster and tickle them with it then put it on your head if you want them to look at you. Don't have anyone else with you at the shoot to distract them from looking at you or where you want them to look. Sing their favorite song or play patty cake to get them smiling. Use a squeeze toy to get their attention. If the child has just learned to walk and you can't get them to sit still. Find a really cute toy to use as a prop that they can sit on or hold that will get them to be still long enough to get the shot you are looking for. If you have an older child who is having a bad day sometimes it helps to have a friend along. Take pictures of the friend just for fun until your child decides to join in. Let your child come up with poses she wants to do in exchange for doing the ones you want her to do. Trade with her. Let her take some of you then you take some of her. My final trick that usually works with the child who just won't cooperate with me no matter what..... Red Light, Green Light Shoot. Its like red light green light go except I turn my back and by the time I turn around the child is suppose to be on their spot posing like I said by the time I say shoot then I turn around quick and snap away. I have to be quick though cause if the child is that determined not to take a picture it has to be like a real game and we have to do it again and again for each pose. But.. It always works for me.
Of course there is a lot more to photography than I can list in a blog but this should help the amateur photographer in general.
Thanks for a great article Angela!
She's a Model Mom/ Professional Photographer
If you would like to check out her website:
Her product photography link is
Of course there is a lot more to photography than I can list in a blog but this should help the amateur photographer in general.
Thanks for a great article Angela!
She's a Model Mom/ Professional Photographer
If you would like to check out her website:
Her product photography link is
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Not to get on my soapbox or anything..........
but I have been doing some major research on homeschooling. All three of my children attend the public school system, but as they get older I am feeling more and more that the public school is not the right place for them. I will not debate the pros and cons of either choice with you, because it's just that. A Choice! One that parents should make for their own children. I would not want to force my choice on someone else's kids any more than I would want your choice forced on me.
However, the things I am seeing in the school system these days deeply disturb me. From the way I hear that the teachers are talking to my children (I have 2 middle schoolers and one in elementary), demeaning and insulting them for making simple mistakes to the teachers that are contributing to an increasing trend of parents using the school system as babysitters. Then there's the issue of the our religious or cultural rights being infringed on. It's become such an issue for Christians in the public schools that Christmas can't be celebrated, but we can celebrate any other religions holiday without problems. I know of an elementary teacher who taught her class about her religion and culture (she was of Asian descent), but talking about Christ or the reason for the season wasn't allowed. One of my daughters was told that she couldn't read her bible as part of her daily required reading, but reading the local newspaper was allowed.
We have had so many issues over the last few years that I can't begin to tell you. I have been doing some research on homeschooling and I came across some interesting things.
First, I hadn't heard about the fight going on in California and the right of parents to educate their children. Check out this site.
Pay special attention to the article on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Our right to choose for our children is under attack.
Then check out this site. It's a great informational blog topics of education.
While you're there make sure to check out this comedic video on the topic of education. It actually makes a lot of sense. It's on this page.
That's all I am gonna say for today. Just check it out and make the decision for yourself.
However, the things I am seeing in the school system these days deeply disturb me. From the way I hear that the teachers are talking to my children (I have 2 middle schoolers and one in elementary), demeaning and insulting them for making simple mistakes to the teachers that are contributing to an increasing trend of parents using the school system as babysitters. Then there's the issue of the our religious or cultural rights being infringed on. It's become such an issue for Christians in the public schools that Christmas can't be celebrated, but we can celebrate any other religions holiday without problems. I know of an elementary teacher who taught her class about her religion and culture (she was of Asian descent), but talking about Christ or the reason for the season wasn't allowed. One of my daughters was told that she couldn't read her bible as part of her daily required reading, but reading the local newspaper was allowed.
We have had so many issues over the last few years that I can't begin to tell you. I have been doing some research on homeschooling and I came across some interesting things.
First, I hadn't heard about the fight going on in California and the right of parents to educate their children. Check out this site.
Pay special attention to the article on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Our right to choose for our children is under attack.
Then check out this site. It's a great informational blog topics of education.
While you're there make sure to check out this comedic video on the topic of education. It actually makes a lot of sense. It's on this page.
That's all I am gonna say for today. Just check it out and make the decision for yourself.
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