I'm not even going to say a word about this. Just listen.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
What are you thinking?
What are you thinking about this Bailout plan that was defeated? What are your thoughts? Is all this talk of a recession making you nervous? Do you really think it's going to stop people from doing what they need to do? I don't know. I am kind of lost on the whole thing.
Friday, September 26, 2008
I realized today that my kids aren't little kids anymore.
I think I can finally breathe. My house isn't filled with the sound of screaming babies and I am not constantly hollering "stop that", "get down", "that isn't yours", "give it back". Now don't get me wrong. Obviously I still have to correct my children. They still have their moments and their squabbles. I just realized that those moments are fewer and farther between. And most days run smoothly around here with everyone going to and from school and activities without much fuss. It's amazing. When you start having children it's a challenge. You resign yourself to always stepping over toys and having to constantly call them down. You get used to the chaos and the noise. But it's all gone. I blinked, and it's over. No more little children. My youngest will be 9 yrs old here in a couple months. Almost a decade. A decade since the diapers, the crying and the pitter patter of little feet. Almost makes you nostalgic, huh? Almost makes you want to do it again. Almost.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This economy thing Bush's fault?
It's interesting to me that people always want to point fingers and no one wants to take responsibility. I've heard so many people claim that this recession we are in is President Bush's fault. I've heard that the housing market and forclosure crisis is all his fault. But when I start reading about it, this happened over the course of the last 15 years or so and it certainly didn't start in the last 8. So on that note. Someone posted this email on a group that I find interesting. Again, my disclaimer. I do not want to debate politics with anyone. I am just putting info out there as I find it.
Clinton Pressure to Promote Affordable Housing Led to Mortgage Meltdown
Posted by Hans Bader
The current mortgage crisis came about in large part because of Clinton-era government pressure on lenders to make risky loans in order to “make homeownership more affordable for lower-income Americans and those with a poor credit history,” the DC Examiner notes today. “Those steps encouraged riskier mortgage lending by minimizing the role of credit histories in lending decisions, loosening required debt-to-equity ratios to allow borrowers to make small or even no down payments at all, and encouraging lenders the use of floating or adjustable interest-rate mortgages, including those with low ‘teasers.’”
The liberal Village Voice previously chronicled how Clinton Administration housing secretary Andrew Cuomo helped spawn the mortgage crisis through his pressure on lenders to promote affordable housing and diversity. “Andrew Cuomo, the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history, made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country’s current crisis. He took actions that—in combination with many other factors—helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments.
He turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded ‘kickbacks’ to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans. Three to four million families are now facing foreclosure, and Cuomo is one of the reasons why.” (See Wayne Barrett, “Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie: How the Youngest Housing and Urban Development Secretary in History Gave Birth to the Mortgage Crisis,” Village Voice, August 5, 2008).
Investors Business Daily had an editorial yesterday about how another federal “law designed to encourage minority homeownership” also contributed to the mortgage crisis by pressuring lenders to make risky loans.
The Bush Administration also deserves criticism: although some Bush Administration officials “meekly advocated reforms” of the risky practices engaged in by the government-backed mortgage giants (the “Government-Sponsored Enterprises” Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, which received $10 billion annually in taxpayer subsidies even before their current bailout), Fannie’s well-paid lobbyists easily defeated those reform proposals by paying off liberal lawmakers and bullying critics. And the Administration did nothing to end federal obsessions with “affordable housing” and “diversity” that encouraged lenders to make risky loans to borrowers with little savings.
Clinton Pressure to Promote Affordable Housing Led to Mortgage Meltdown
Posted by Hans Bader
The current mortgage crisis came about in large part because of Clinton-era government pressure on lenders to make risky loans in order to “make homeownership more affordable for lower-income Americans and those with a poor credit history,” the DC Examiner notes today. “Those steps encouraged riskier mortgage lending by minimizing the role of credit histories in lending decisions, loosening required debt-to-equity ratios to allow borrowers to make small or even no down payments at all, and encouraging lenders the use of floating or adjustable interest-rate mortgages, including those with low ‘teasers.’”
The liberal Village Voice previously chronicled how Clinton Administration housing secretary Andrew Cuomo helped spawn the mortgage crisis through his pressure on lenders to promote affordable housing and diversity. “Andrew Cuomo, the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history, made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country’s current crisis. He took actions that—in combination with many other factors—helped plunge Fannie and Freddie into the subprime markets without putting in place the means to monitor their increasingly risky investments.
He turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded ‘kickbacks’ to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans. Three to four million families are now facing foreclosure, and Cuomo is one of the reasons why.” (See Wayne Barrett, “Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie: How the Youngest Housing and Urban Development Secretary in History Gave Birth to the Mortgage Crisis,” Village Voice, August 5, 2008).
Investors Business Daily had an editorial yesterday about how another federal “law designed to encourage minority homeownership” also contributed to the mortgage crisis by pressuring lenders to make risky loans.
The Bush Administration also deserves criticism: although some Bush Administration officials “meekly advocated reforms” of the risky practices engaged in by the government-backed mortgage giants (the “Government-Sponsored Enterprises” Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, which received $10 billion annually in taxpayer subsidies even before their current bailout), Fannie’s well-paid lobbyists easily defeated those reform proposals by paying off liberal lawmakers and bullying critics. And the Administration did nothing to end federal obsessions with “affordable housing” and “diversity” that encouraged lenders to make risky loans to borrowers with little savings.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wow, time flies!
I just realized how many days it's been since I blogged. Time really gets away from you when you are really busy. I am currently staying busy with the Giggle Girl Launch, the kids busy in afterschool activities, my son's Dr's appointments, and getting ready for a craft/fall festival coming up on October 11th. Those will obviously keep me very busy for the next 2 1/2 weeks. But I am still here and will try and get up some new posts.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Reminder about the Giggle Girls THINK PINK launch
I just wanted to quickly remind everyone that the Giggle Girls are in the middle of their THINK PINK launch. Currently there are 44 different charity auctions listed! Ranging from hair clippies, to quilts, to pillowcase dresses, to complete outfits. So much to choose from. Just type GGDB PINK in the search bar on eBay and check out the incredible listings. At least 50% of every auction goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and most are donating 75 to 100%.
Check it out and help us cure Breast Cancer.
search GGDB PINK on eBay
Check it out and help us cure Breast Cancer.
search GGDB PINK on eBay
Friday, September 19, 2008
I've been published!
So this writing thing is just something I enjoy. I don't think I'm particularly good at it. I just enjoy it. From the time that I was a small child I remember being told that I would be a good writer. I was always long-winded, or long-worded as I say. I could always add about 100 extra words to a story that could have been told in a dozen or so. As I've gotten older I found that I enjoy it. It's a creative thing for me just like my sewing and it gives me an outlet for our lives' daily frustrations.
So I began looking for ways to make my writing worth while, other than the fact that I enjoy it, and I found Associated Content. They publish articles and essays by free lance writers all over the country. And I finally had one published!!!! Again it's not even very good, just a typical rant from my head. I was debating the topic with myself and decided to put the ensuing conversation in to words, and so this article was born. Can you believe it? Please go check it out for me and tell me what you think?
Check out my recently published content on AC:
ADHD: To Tell or Not to Tell
So I began looking for ways to make my writing worth while, other than the fact that I enjoy it, and I found Associated Content. They publish articles and essays by free lance writers all over the country. And I finally had one published!!!! Again it's not even very good, just a typical rant from my head. I was debating the topic with myself and decided to put the ensuing conversation in to words, and so this article was born. Can you believe it? Please go check it out for me and tell me what you think?
Check out my recently published content on AC:
ADHD: To Tell or Not to Tell
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Just passing this on!
I like to do things to help fellow designers on eBay. This is from a designer on eBay called sewgirlygirl. She has been trying to drum up votes for her child's school football game to be featured on the news. Could you read the note from her hubby and help them out?!!!
A note from my dear sweet hubby:
Friends and Family:
I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to vote on WSBTV Channel 2's survey to select our school, Prince Avenue Christian School, as the winner and recipient of television coverage this Friday of their football game. We have voters from Alaska to Ohio to New York to Georgia! The vote, however, is not over yet! We have a tenacious competitor in Forsyth Central High School. They have gathered an effective voting group and have surged from over 1,000 votes behind to take a 2,000 vote lead in just the past 30 minutes. You might ask why I am so passionate about Prince Avenue football. While I never put on pads to play myself, it is hard to look past the excitement created by Friday Night lights. I spent my youth attending almost all of my school, Buckeye Valley High School's, football games. We had just about the worst team in the state and seldom won a game, but every Friday night the stadium would be filled with fans. They weren't there to see a victory, but to support their school. That is what I am doing today, supporting my children's school, just as my parent's supported mine. Having attended two high schools, one large and one small, I have to say that the small schools out weigh the big ones in pure passion for their school. Prince Avenue is no exception. The passion these students feel for their school is infectious. Maybe some of you have started to get a taste of that already.
So, friends, family and neighbors, I ask you once again to vote and vote often, but not too often. Once every five minutes will be all that gets counted.
Here is the link:
Please feel free to forward this on to fans of small schools everywhere! Voting ends Friday September 19th at 12:00 Noon!
Thank you,
Seth, Sarah, Sam, Sean, Aimee and Ken
A note from my dear sweet hubby:
Friends and Family:
I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to vote on WSBTV Channel 2's survey to select our school, Prince Avenue Christian School, as the winner and recipient of television coverage this Friday of their football game. We have voters from Alaska to Ohio to New York to Georgia! The vote, however, is not over yet! We have a tenacious competitor in Forsyth Central High School. They have gathered an effective voting group and have surged from over 1,000 votes behind to take a 2,000 vote lead in just the past 30 minutes. You might ask why I am so passionate about Prince Avenue football. While I never put on pads to play myself, it is hard to look past the excitement created by Friday Night lights. I spent my youth attending almost all of my school, Buckeye Valley High School's, football games. We had just about the worst team in the state and seldom won a game, but every Friday night the stadium would be filled with fans. They weren't there to see a victory, but to support their school. That is what I am doing today, supporting my children's school, just as my parent's supported mine. Having attended two high schools, one large and one small, I have to say that the small schools out weigh the big ones in pure passion for their school. Prince Avenue is no exception. The passion these students feel for their school is infectious. Maybe some of you have started to get a taste of that already.
So, friends, family and neighbors, I ask you once again to vote and vote often, but not too often. Once every five minutes will be all that gets counted.
Here is the link:
Please feel free to forward this on to fans of small schools everywhere! Voting ends Friday September 19th at 12:00 Noon!
Thank you,
Seth, Sarah, Sam, Sean, Aimee and Ken
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Giggle Girls and Guests are THINKING PINK!
Time's almost up!!
It's 10:50 pm on Sunday Sept 14th (eastern time). You have until Midnight to register with Mom's United in Business for free! Tomorrow they will be charging for membership into their great group. This is a wonderful resource group for any Mother who is running a business, starting a business or wants to work at home. Come join us! Tell them Teresa Cur sent you!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tips for shooting High Key Photography
How to do High Key Photography.
High Key is a picture on a white background. Not just one that looks white but one that is completely absent of any percentage of color what-so-ever. It's not a simple thing to achieve with photography alone. It can be faked with a photo editing program but I'm going to tell you how you can do it with little to no editing.
The background....
The best way to do it is to buy a large white roll of paper made for photography backgrounds, but they are expensive so you can get away with a very large white piece of canvas or a very thick king size sheet if the child your photographing is small or you can build your own high key white background out of wood creating a wall and floor if your good with a saw and hammer. What ever you use needs to be seamless and flat with no wrinkles. If you choose to use cloth you will still need something solid for the model to stand on because no matter how hard you try you will end up with cloth wrinkles under foot of the model. You can go to lowes and get a large piece of white board in the same section with the paneling that works great for a floor. It has a nice shine to it as well so it can be wiped clean incase of accidents.
The lights......
There are cheap ways to rig up make shift lighting but unless you want to do allot of photo editing afterwards you really can't skimp on lighting to get the effect your looking for. You can get some fairly inexpensive professional photography lighting on ebay. There are lots of different brands. If you choose Tungstan you have to realize that it casts a warm yellowish light so you will have to set your cameras white balance to Tungstan to make up for that color tone. I personally like fluorescent lights because they throw off a nice white light and they don't get hot to annoy my models and they save on energy. You will need at lease 4 different lights to set this up properly although one more wouldn't hurt.
You can find a great set on ebay at the following link.
If you are photographing in your house you need to check your fuse box to make sure it can handle all these extra watts without blowing a fuse. Otherwise your going to be getting flustered trying to snap shots in between the lights going out.
Important, Don't mix and match lights. for example don't use a tungstan light and a fluorescent light in the same shoot. No matter how you set your white balance on your camera it will not come out white.
Setting up the lights......
Have your model stand about 5 feet from the background and put 2/3 lights behind her pointing at the background. One on the left side aimed at the right side of the background and one on the right side aimed at the left side of the background. Another boom light over top aimed at the middle of the backdrop would not hurt either. Remember you want the background to be completely blown out with light. Now light your model with the other 2 lights. One on her right and one on her left. Distance them from her enough so that she is not too bright. Especially if she is wearing something white. You want her to be darker to stand out from the background but not so dark that she doesn't look good.
Finally once you take the pictures open them up in a photo editing program and read the color percentages all over the background mainly around the edges. If it does not read all 0% you will have to color correct it to be right, otherwise when its posted to the web you will be able to see the break between picture and background on the internet.
Here's an example of High Key Photography!!

Have fun taking pictures and remember. practice makes perfect!
Angela Owens
Owens Photography
High Key is a picture on a white background. Not just one that looks white but one that is completely absent of any percentage of color what-so-ever. It's not a simple thing to achieve with photography alone. It can be faked with a photo editing program but I'm going to tell you how you can do it with little to no editing.
The background....
The best way to do it is to buy a large white roll of paper made for photography backgrounds, but they are expensive so you can get away with a very large white piece of canvas or a very thick king size sheet if the child your photographing is small or you can build your own high key white background out of wood creating a wall and floor if your good with a saw and hammer. What ever you use needs to be seamless and flat with no wrinkles. If you choose to use cloth you will still need something solid for the model to stand on because no matter how hard you try you will end up with cloth wrinkles under foot of the model. You can go to lowes and get a large piece of white board in the same section with the paneling that works great for a floor. It has a nice shine to it as well so it can be wiped clean incase of accidents.
The lights......
There are cheap ways to rig up make shift lighting but unless you want to do allot of photo editing afterwards you really can't skimp on lighting to get the effect your looking for. You can get some fairly inexpensive professional photography lighting on ebay. There are lots of different brands. If you choose Tungstan you have to realize that it casts a warm yellowish light so you will have to set your cameras white balance to Tungstan to make up for that color tone. I personally like fluorescent lights because they throw off a nice white light and they don't get hot to annoy my models and they save on energy. You will need at lease 4 different lights to set this up properly although one more wouldn't hurt.
You can find a great set on ebay at the following link.
If you are photographing in your house you need to check your fuse box to make sure it can handle all these extra watts without blowing a fuse. Otherwise your going to be getting flustered trying to snap shots in between the lights going out.
Important, Don't mix and match lights. for example don't use a tungstan light and a fluorescent light in the same shoot. No matter how you set your white balance on your camera it will not come out white.
Setting up the lights......
Have your model stand about 5 feet from the background and put 2/3 lights behind her pointing at the background. One on the left side aimed at the right side of the background and one on the right side aimed at the left side of the background. Another boom light over top aimed at the middle of the backdrop would not hurt either. Remember you want the background to be completely blown out with light. Now light your model with the other 2 lights. One on her right and one on her left. Distance them from her enough so that she is not too bright. Especially if she is wearing something white. You want her to be darker to stand out from the background but not so dark that she doesn't look good.
Finally once you take the pictures open them up in a photo editing program and read the color percentages all over the background mainly around the edges. If it does not read all 0% you will have to color correct it to be right, otherwise when its posted to the web you will be able to see the break between picture and background on the internet.
Here's an example of High Key Photography!!

Have fun taking pictures and remember. practice makes perfect!
Angela Owens
Owens Photography
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Where were you?
Today is the anniversary of 9/11, the WTC attacks. I felt that it was appropriate to take a moment today and just reflect on that day. Where were you that day? What were you feeling?
I was at home, and actually sleeping when the whole thing started. With a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old at home still sleeping I went back to bed that morning after getting my Kindergardner off to school. My DH called to tell me to turn on the TV. I remember suddenly being very afraid for my family. I had to call my brother and sister and make sure they knew what was going on. I called my parents, they were in Vegas and scheduled to come home in the next day or so. I remember watching the drama unfold, and my horror when the first tower fell........I knew there were still people in there. I sat at my TV and cried. I ended up going and getting my daughter from school early. It just seemed appropriate that I keep my children close and safe with me that day.
And so, that's where I was 7 years ago today. Where were you?
I was at home, and actually sleeping when the whole thing started. With a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old at home still sleeping I went back to bed that morning after getting my Kindergardner off to school. My DH called to tell me to turn on the TV. I remember suddenly being very afraid for my family. I had to call my brother and sister and make sure they knew what was going on. I called my parents, they were in Vegas and scheduled to come home in the next day or so. I remember watching the drama unfold, and my horror when the first tower fell........I knew there were still people in there. I sat at my TV and cried. I ended up going and getting my daughter from school early. It just seemed appropriate that I keep my children close and safe with me that day.
And so, that's where I was 7 years ago today. Where were you?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
It's BTS and back to all the germs too!
Yes, we are only in our 3rd week back to school and the kids have already brought home a bug.
It started last week with a sore throat. My little Mama, little monster and I all came down with a cold following the sore throat. Then just when I was starting to feel better (Monday) and I thought I would be able to get some work done with the kids in school, my Tomboy gets up with a fever of 102. So I've spent the last 2 days dealing with her. After a trip to the Dr, we know that she has an ear infection and possible strep (rapid test was neg).
So, she's finally back in school today. I will try and get back to routine. Now if only men didn't require more babying than kids....yes DH has it now!!
It started last week with a sore throat. My little Mama, little monster and I all came down with a cold following the sore throat. Then just when I was starting to feel better (Monday) and I thought I would be able to get some work done with the kids in school, my Tomboy gets up with a fever of 102. So I've spent the last 2 days dealing with her. After a trip to the Dr, we know that she has an ear infection and possible strep (rapid test was neg).
So, she's finally back in school today. I will try and get back to routine. Now if only men didn't require more babying than kids....yes DH has it now!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
This was taken from www.aop.com. It just shows the views of the two main presidential candidates. I don't want to debate which one to vote for...I just want to put out there the info so you can make an informed decision based on your views.
Senator John McCain at a Glance
- Voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits same-sex couples from receiving federal rights and benefits in any state.
- Campaigned for a ban on same-sex relationship recognition in his home state of Arizona, including appearing in a campaign television ad.
- Believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman.
- Voted to confirm President Bush's judicial nominees who had taken anti-homosexual positions.
- Believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned to protect the life of the unborn. Has publicly stated that life begins at conception.
- Opposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes, but supports funding for amniotic fluid and adult stem cell research and other types of scientific study that do not involve the use of human embryos.
- Co-sponsored the Education A-Plus bill in 1997 and again in 1999, which allows parents to open tax-free savings accounts for their children's educational expenses, including tutoring, computers, and tuition.
- Supports school vouchers and empowering parents to choose among schools for their children, including charter schools, homeschooling, and public schools.
- Believes the decision of teaching creationism curriculum alongside evolution in schools should be made at the local level.
Senator Barack Obama at a Glance
- Voted against a Federal Marriage Amendment.
- Opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, which gives states the option of not recognizing another state's "gay marriages" and prohibits the federal government from recognizing "gay marriage."
- Supports civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, as well as letting individual states determine if marriage between gay and lesbian couples should be legalized.
- Supports gays and lesbians having the same rights as heterosexuals to adopt children.
- Original co-sponsor of legislation to expand access to contraception, health information, and preventive services to help reduce unintended pregnancies.
- In January 2007, introduced the Prevention First Act that increases funding for family planning and comprehensive sex education.
- Plans to reform the No Child Left Behind Act.
- Has made no public statement about homeschooling. However, he is endorsed by the National Education Association (NEA). The NEA agenda opposes homeschooling unless children are taught by state-licensed teachers using a state-approved curriculum and wants to bar homeschoolers from participating in any extracurricular activities in public schools.
- Will implement the "Zero to Five" plan, a preschool agenda that begins at birth and does the following:
* Quadruples the number of children in Early Head Start
* Increases Head Start funding
* Encourages all states to adopt a voluntary, universal preschool
* Provides funding for early learning challenge grants
* Increases tax credits for working parents with child care expenses
* Expands evidence-based home visiting programs
Taken from www.aop.com
Senator John McCain at a Glance
- Voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits same-sex couples from receiving federal rights and benefits in any state.
- Campaigned for a ban on same-sex relationship recognition in his home state of Arizona, including appearing in a campaign television ad.
- Believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman.
- Voted to confirm President Bush's judicial nominees who had taken anti-homosexual positions.
- Believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned to protect the life of the unborn. Has publicly stated that life begins at conception.
- Opposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes, but supports funding for amniotic fluid and adult stem cell research and other types of scientific study that do not involve the use of human embryos.
- Co-sponsored the Education A-Plus bill in 1997 and again in 1999, which allows parents to open tax-free savings accounts for their children's educational expenses, including tutoring, computers, and tuition.
- Supports school vouchers and empowering parents to choose among schools for their children, including charter schools, homeschooling, and public schools.
- Believes the decision of teaching creationism curriculum alongside evolution in schools should be made at the local level.
Senator Barack Obama at a Glance
- Voted against a Federal Marriage Amendment.
- Opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, which gives states the option of not recognizing another state's "gay marriages" and prohibits the federal government from recognizing "gay marriage."
- Supports civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, as well as letting individual states determine if marriage between gay and lesbian couples should be legalized.
- Supports gays and lesbians having the same rights as heterosexuals to adopt children.
- Original co-sponsor of legislation to expand access to contraception, health information, and preventive services to help reduce unintended pregnancies.
- In January 2007, introduced the Prevention First Act that increases funding for family planning and comprehensive sex education.
- Plans to reform the No Child Left Behind Act.
- Has made no public statement about homeschooling. However, he is endorsed by the National Education Association (NEA). The NEA agenda opposes homeschooling unless children are taught by state-licensed teachers using a state-approved curriculum and wants to bar homeschoolers from participating in any extracurricular activities in public schools.
- Will implement the "Zero to Five" plan, a preschool agenda that begins at birth and does the following:
* Quadruples the number of children in Early Head Start
* Increases Head Start funding
* Encourages all states to adopt a voluntary, universal preschool
* Provides funding for early learning challenge grants
* Increases tax credits for working parents with child care expenses
* Expands evidence-based home visiting programs
Taken from www.aop.com
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Free Membership with Mom United in Business
Moms United in Business is a great business network and resource for Moms trying to start a business, running a business or even just thinking of starting a business from home. I have learned so so much from them over the last several months. I have blogged about them before, but this time is different.
They have grown by leaps and bounds over the last few months and added lots of great new features and resources to their site. Starting on September 15, everything that I have up till now gotten for free, you will have to pay for. But thru September 14 it's still free! So jump in there and register! What have you got to lose? You get a lifetime membership to Moms United in Business for FREE! IT's completely FREE, no catches or limitations. Just register on the main site.
Tell them Teresa Cur sent you! :)
They have grown by leaps and bounds over the last few months and added lots of great new features and resources to their site. Starting on September 15, everything that I have up till now gotten for free, you will have to pay for. But thru September 14 it's still free! So jump in there and register! What have you got to lose? You get a lifetime membership to Moms United in Business for FREE! IT's completely FREE, no catches or limitations. Just register on the main site.
Tell them Teresa Cur sent you! :)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Shirring Made Easy by Talia*Couture
This is fast, easy and concise directions for trying shirring for the first time. I am sure there are other methods out there, but this is great for beginners. Feel free to comment and share any tips or tricks that you know as well!
Let's use the back of a halter dress for an example:
DOUBLE the measurements of the width of the fabric for the back.
Finish all your edges the way you want.
Take a spool of elastic thread, and wind your bobbin on the machine just as you normally would.
Place the bobbin in it's place and use REGULAR thread for the front side of fabric.
Holding the fabric taught, with your machine on the loosest tension and the stitch set to wide and long, sew across the fabric front side up.
The elastic stitch should be on the inside of your garment.
I use the presser foot as my guide as to how wide to space my rows.
When you are done, pull each stitch tighter to gather a bit more.
Then pull the reg. thread stitch through to the inside of garment so it is next to the elastic understitch, and tie them together to lock. Do that on each side of the rows.
That should be it.
I hope I explained it well enough!!!!!!! LOL
I am not that good at teaching! LOL
Thanks Nanci for the wonderful lesson.
If you'd like to see Nanci's great designs here's a link.
Let's use the back of a halter dress for an example:
DOUBLE the measurements of the width of the fabric for the back.
Finish all your edges the way you want.
Take a spool of elastic thread, and wind your bobbin on the machine just as you normally would.
Place the bobbin in it's place and use REGULAR thread for the front side of fabric.
Holding the fabric taught, with your machine on the loosest tension and the stitch set to wide and long, sew across the fabric front side up.
The elastic stitch should be on the inside of your garment.
I use the presser foot as my guide as to how wide to space my rows.
When you are done, pull each stitch tighter to gather a bit more.
Then pull the reg. thread stitch through to the inside of garment so it is next to the elastic understitch, and tie them together to lock. Do that on each side of the rows.
That should be it.
I hope I explained it well enough!!!!!!! LOL
I am not that good at teaching! LOL
Thanks Nanci for the wonderful lesson.
If you'd like to see Nanci's great designs here's a link.
Monday, September 1, 2008
How to take a great picture!
Here's another informative article. This one is about taking a great picture. This article was written by Angela Owens of Owens Photography.
First off you need a good camera. I personally like digital. It's easier to take pictures and only pick the ones you want without having to waste money on developing ones you don't want. The higher the mega pixel the better and it helps if the camera offers added functions so you can adjust for lighting, speed, etc. When photographing a subject or model, make sure it is centered up. a slight angle can add feeling to the picture but not everyone wants pictures on an angle so take that into account first. Most customers want multiple shots at different angles. Front, Back, Closeups of the most important details on the outfits and maybe an overall shot with a prop to use as a main shot. Always make sure the outfit is pressed and neat and properly displayed or fitted on the child. If you are using a model make sure the child doesn't put their arms or any objects in front of the outfit. Pull the hair back or put it behind the outfit so that all of the detail can be seen clearly. If you are shooting outdoors do it on a cloudy day so that the sunlight doesn't hit directly over the model. It can cause overly dark shadows and overly blown out light spots and won't show the outfit at its best. If its a really sunny day go to a shady area to shoot. In most cases you should turn off the external flash on your camera. It usually only causes shadowing in places you don't want and keeps the picture from looking professional. If you don't have enough light hitting your model in the shade try getting two large very stiff white poster boards and using them to catch the suns light and reflect it onto your model from different directions. If you don't have professional lighting this is also a good trick to use to shoot indoors near large windows where lots of sunlight is coming in. Don't photograph the child standing against a wall and use a flash it will make a dark shadow behind them. How ever you choose to light the subject you should make sure the light is coming in at different directions not just one so that the model and outfit is evenly lit.
First off you need a good camera. I personally like digital. It's easier to take pictures and only pick the ones you want without having to waste money on developing ones you don't want. The higher the mega pixel the better and it helps if the camera offers added functions so you can adjust for lighting, speed, etc. When photographing a subject or model, make sure it is centered up. a slight angle can add feeling to the picture but not everyone wants pictures on an angle so take that into account first. Most customers want multiple shots at different angles. Front, Back, Closeups of the most important details on the outfits and maybe an overall shot with a prop to use as a main shot. Always make sure the outfit is pressed and neat and properly displayed or fitted on the child. If you are using a model make sure the child doesn't put their arms or any objects in front of the outfit. Pull the hair back or put it behind the outfit so that all of the detail can be seen clearly. If you are shooting outdoors do it on a cloudy day so that the sunlight doesn't hit directly over the model. It can cause overly dark shadows and overly blown out light spots and won't show the outfit at its best. If its a really sunny day go to a shady area to shoot. In most cases you should turn off the external flash on your camera. It usually only causes shadowing in places you don't want and keeps the picture from looking professional. If you don't have enough light hitting your model in the shade try getting two large very stiff white poster boards and using them to catch the suns light and reflect it onto your model from different directions. If you don't have professional lighting this is also a good trick to use to shoot indoors near large windows where lots of sunlight is coming in. Don't photograph the child standing against a wall and use a flash it will make a dark shadow behind them. How ever you choose to light the subject you should make sure the light is coming in at different directions not just one so that the model and outfit is evenly lit.


Getting your child to do what you want is tricky, especially if they are very small. Just remember they don't always have to be looking at the camera to make a good shot. In fact a lot of designers don't care for them to look at the camera because they want to showcase the clothing more than the child wearing them. Not every child is the same so different tricks will work for different children but here are a few ideas. For babies get a bright colored feather duster and tickle them with it then put it on your head if you want them to look at you. Don't have anyone else with you at the shoot to distract them from looking at you or where you want them to look. Sing their favorite song or play patty cake to get them smiling. Use a squeeze toy to get their attention. If the child has just learned to walk and you can't get them to sit still. Find a really cute toy to use as a prop that they can sit on or hold that will get them to be still long enough to get the shot you are looking for. If you have an older child who is having a bad day sometimes it helps to have a friend along. Take pictures of the friend just for fun until your child decides to join in. Let your child come up with poses she wants to do in exchange for doing the ones you want her to do. Trade with her. Let her take some of you then you take some of her. My final trick that usually works with the child who just won't cooperate with me no matter what..... Red Light, Green Light Shoot. Its like red light green light go except I turn my back and by the time I turn around the child is suppose to be on their spot posing like I said by the time I say shoot then I turn around quick and snap away. I have to be quick though cause if the child is that determined not to take a picture it has to be like a real game and we have to do it again and again for each pose. But.. It always works for me.
Of course there is a lot more to photography than I can list in a blog but this should help the amateur photographer in general.
Thanks for a great article Angela!
She's a Model Mom/ Professional Photographer
If you would like to check out her website:
Her product photography link is
Of course there is a lot more to photography than I can list in a blog but this should help the amateur photographer in general.
Thanks for a great article Angela!
She's a Model Mom/ Professional Photographer
If you would like to check out her website:
Her product photography link is
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