Ok, so I really fell down on my job. I haven't posted in over a week. I got really busy last week and then have had a crazy emotional roller coaster the last few days. Let me explain.
I had to clean my house and my husband and I decided to do some painting as well. Since I had been laid up since earlier in the year with my back I hadn't been able to clean. So my get together with my old high school friends was a great reason to work and clean my house. I have only 2 rooms left now! So we spent the weekend of the 5th painting and cleaning and it took the rest of the week and this past Saturday (the 12th) to finish.
By the way, the reunion went great. It was great seeing old friends again and catching up with them. We pretty much fell right into conversation like we've never been apart. It was a little strange watching our children playing together. Who would have thought that would happen had we talked about it 15 years ago?
On Sunday night my entire family, my husband, me and all three of my kids, were all baptized at our church. I am so proud of my husband and my children. This is something that I've prayed about for a very long time. It was a great night and definitely a high in my weekend.
I will go ahead and post this and then I will tell you about my Monday and Tuesday. Things didn't go so well on those days!