Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Warning: today's rant is about politics!

But it's not what you think. I am not complaining about the election results or even about the candidates. This time.

This has been bothering me for a couple weeks.

Why do people have to scare kids with their hate-mongering and lies?

Now, don't get me wrong. I voted for McCain, I am not ashamed to admit that. I am not happy about Obama winning, but I can show respect for our next president regardless. What I don't understand is why do so many people ........and it's both sides, not just the McCain backers........ have to spread malicious lies.

My children, especially my 8 year old son, have come home and told me all kinds of lies. Someone told him that Obama winning would be the end of the world and that he'd start WWIII. Then my 11 year old daughter came home and said someone was telling her and others that Obama would make it illegal for any girl younger than 21 to have a child and that they'd have to have an abortion. Now this one is particularly scary for my girls. But WHY...........why would spread such rumors? I could go on and on. I have heard so many lies this campaign, from the one about Palin and how she doesn't know that Africa is a continent not a country. And some of them are believable and some were even pushed by the media. I just don't understand why anyone would spread rumors and lies and why so many people tend to believe them. With the Internet at pretty much every one's finger-tips these days, the truth is only a click away. People do your research.......don't go scaring my kids with things that they don't need to concern themselves with or that aren't even true! Geesh!!

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