Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thankful for all the love and prayers during our time of need.

I wrote this while being laid up after my back surgery. So to all who helped out and prayed for me and my family, Thank you.

Thanks for all the prayers. I have to say this is one time when I am genuinely grateful for every single person who prayed that the surgery went well and for my recovery. I have never been so scared in my life before a surgery...and I've had a few.

I am slowly getting back to myself. I have actually found myself getting up and brushing my hair and putting on makeup, something that was excrutiatingly painful before because I couldn't stand up straight in the mornings until I had some pain meds in me. And on that note, I haven't had a pain pill since Saturday July 25th. I am so glad to be off the pain pills after more than 2 months on them.

I have felt like such a killjoy for quite a while now, but this year has been really hard and doesn't really show any signs of getting better any time soon. Everytime we get through one crisis another takes it's place. I am not going to even attempt to list off all the family members I have that are in need of prayer right now.

All I can say is that I have found I have a lot of people who care about me and who have been helping out. We have only had to fix dinner for ourselves one night since the surgery. You would have thought there had been a funeral with all the covered dishes that have been dropped off. Some days we've had lunch and dinner provided. I have had friends' of my kids bring flowers and cards to me (multiple kids, not just one kid or one bouquet of flowers). People are texting me and offering to run errands for me daily. I don't think that I've ever felt so loved in all my life. That is the upside to all of this.

And then I can say that I've seen a tender side to my husband that I've never seen before. He was really worried about me and so stressed the day of surgery that it brought on a full blown migraine headache with nausea and sensitivity to light, something he's never had to deal with before.

So I am thankful for the repreive. Thankful for a healing, and time to regroup and no matter what is coming I trust in God and know that he doesn't give us more than we can handle, though sometimes he tests those boundaries and gives us more than we think we can handle.

Love you all.

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