Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Visalus Routine

Today I want to let you in on my daily routine.

First, I want to clarify that Visalus shakes are NOT the miracle pill or magic over-night answer to your weight-loss. However, their shakes are a tool that you can use to get there in the long run. If you have tons of hurdles in the form of health issues, such as I have, then Visalus may be the answer for you. I have attempted to decrease my calorie intake many, many times over the years and getting my protein/fiber intake balanced so that I'm not starving and I don't have low blood sugar spells is pretty darn near impossible. Then there's the issue with blood pressure and hypertension. When you start off with a new diet you have to adjust to the lower volume. So I have tried eating light and/or low sodium soups and low fat crackers and such to hold me over. Unfortunately even the low sodium canned soups and especially the low fat/fat free snacks are full of sodium. When they pull out the fat, they have to put something in for taste. So every attempt has been plagued by headaches, fatique and severe false hunger (caused by low blood sugar).

Today is 13 days on Visalus and I have not had one low blood sugar spell or headache during that time. These shakes work to stabalize your sugars and give you the nutrition you need while still allowing you to decrease your caloric intake! I have already documented a drop in my blood pressure and I feel great!

So moving on to my routine. I drink visalus shakes in the place of 2 meals a day and then eat one normal meal. The first week I lost 5 lbs and it was not a typical week for me. I had 2 birthday dinners, 1 child's birthday party, and 1 baby shower all in the same week. We ate at Golden Corral for one birthday dinner and Applebees the other. I tried to fill up on salad at Golden Corral and I skipped dessert. At Applebees I ate a chicken ceasar salad. The last birthday party I skipped the cake and ice cream all together. Guess I was all caked out by then. This was on top of lunch out 2 days with family members.

This last week has been more normal. The only meals out were mine and my hubby's weekly date night and lunch out with my son. I have adjusted to the shakes as meals and have not been very hungry. We switched our normal meal from dinner to lunch this week. By having a shake for breakfast, a normal lunch, and a shake for dinner it allows our bodies time to process the heavier food long before we head to bed and slow the process down.

Typical Day's Meals and Snacks:
Breakfast:  Visalus Shake with the Butterfinger recipe
Snack: 1 sliced apple with the peel on, with a little lemon juice
Lunch:  3 small chicken tenderloins grilled in skillet with a little olive oil, 2 servings of broiled veggies, and small helping of real mashed potatoes
Snack: 2 squares of cheddar cheese
Snack:  raw broccoli, cauliflower and carrots
Dinner: Strawberry Peach Smoothie with Visalus

1 large 36 oz bottle of water with 2 Neuro packets in it.
1 serving of unsweet Tea
3 glasses of filtered water

I am also taking the vi-pak supplements every day.

My husband and I have not yet added any additional workout to our routine, but this had a purpose, an experiment I guess you could say. We both wanted to see if we could lose some weight by just using the shakes. We plan to start adding some walking in the third week and build up to a regular work out routine. I will definitely let you know how that goes.

Ready to join the challenge yet? The only regret you will have is not doing it sooner.

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