I have mentioned Moms United in Business before. Well here is another one of their great networking resources. They have a member blogroll. And it's all free and each business is ran by hard working moms just like yourself. Check it out!
To see the MUIB blogroll click HERE
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Revolution Money Exchange
Ok, so I tend to be skeptical of new things. I received an email a few months ago about this new money exchange company called Revolution Money Exchange or RME. RME is similar to Paypal only at this time their are no fees involved for sending or transferring money. It's a great way to transfer money between friends for paying for things together....or in my case with my eBay group we can all pitch in to pay for advertising and not have to account for the lost percantage we normally have with Paypal.
I was skeptical at first and waited a few days and asked around, did some research on the internet. As is the normal thing with bank accounts, they do ask for your SSN# so that made me slightly leary. Finding nothing negative about the company or their practices I finally decided to open an account but took things slowly, only adding my bank account a few weeks later. The $25 was in my RME account immediately upon opening it and when I did finally attach my personal bank account info I had no issues transferring the money to it. I really thought that they would just take it back when I didn't use the account. It's been 4 months and I have kept the $25.
So far the company is on the up and up and I have a good friend who is using her account on a regular basis. I think that I will go ahead and add that payment venue to my ebay auctions. Who doesn't like to save money?...........and if you sign up you will get $25 added to your account immediately just for opening it. How many companies do you know that will give away $25 just for trying them?
To sign up for RME click HERE
I was skeptical at first and waited a few days and asked around, did some research on the internet. As is the normal thing with bank accounts, they do ask for your SSN# so that made me slightly leary. Finding nothing negative about the company or their practices I finally decided to open an account but took things slowly, only adding my bank account a few weeks later. The $25 was in my RME account immediately upon opening it and when I did finally attach my personal bank account info I had no issues transferring the money to it. I really thought that they would just take it back when I didn't use the account. It's been 4 months and I have kept the $25.
So far the company is on the up and up and I have a good friend who is using her account on a regular basis. I think that I will go ahead and add that payment venue to my ebay auctions. Who doesn't like to save money?...........and if you sign up you will get $25 added to your account immediately just for opening it. How many companies do you know that will give away $25 just for trying them?
To sign up for RME click HERE
Monday, April 21, 2008
Just maybe I'm holding her back........
So, I have 3 kids........the older 2 are girls and the youngest is my only son. He is the challenging one, who pushes all the boundaries and breaks all the rules. The oldest is my little Angel....she's a little mommy to the younger two, wise beyond her years and has the common sense to go along with it. Now, my middle child is just that.....a middle child. She isn't the first at anything....she isn't the baby.....but if you watch her she will flip flop day to day as to which sibling she most resembles.
I have been told that I baby my Issabug (the middle child) too much, not allowing her to grow up or realize her potential. And about the time we started seeing some maturation on her part, her brother kind of took over the lime light with his disabilities. However, I have always felt that I was a fair parent, setting rules, but adjusting things for each child and their personality. I have started to realize though that I could probably expect a little more from my Issabug.
Case in point.....I recently begin to keep some afterschoolers to help supplement my husband's income. Two of the 3 are younger than Issabug and I am constantly amazed by the leader role that she has taken. She has babied them when they scraped a knee, helped them fix their drink or their snack in the afternoon, and even chastised them for being too loud while the others were working on their homework. One day she even called the oldest afterschooler down (the girl's the same age as Issabug by the way) for not taking her shoes off when entering the door, a rule that Issabug often forgets herself. I sit here listening to her call the younger girls down for giggling too loundly and distracting the others from doing their homework.
I realize that she is blossoming before my eyes into the confident strong young woman that I knew she could be. She is benefiting from me keeping other people's children in our home in ways that I could never have imagined. I realize that maybe I need to push her a little harder, expect a little more of her, and tell her how proud she makes me.
Maybe, just maybe, I have been babying her and holding her back.
I have been told that I baby my Issabug (the middle child) too much, not allowing her to grow up or realize her potential. And about the time we started seeing some maturation on her part, her brother kind of took over the lime light with his disabilities. However, I have always felt that I was a fair parent, setting rules, but adjusting things for each child and their personality. I have started to realize though that I could probably expect a little more from my Issabug.
Case in point.....I recently begin to keep some afterschoolers to help supplement my husband's income. Two of the 3 are younger than Issabug and I am constantly amazed by the leader role that she has taken. She has babied them when they scraped a knee, helped them fix their drink or their snack in the afternoon, and even chastised them for being too loud while the others were working on their homework. One day she even called the oldest afterschooler down (the girl's the same age as Issabug by the way) for not taking her shoes off when entering the door, a rule that Issabug often forgets herself. I sit here listening to her call the younger girls down for giggling too loundly and distracting the others from doing their homework.
I realize that she is blossoming before my eyes into the confident strong young woman that I knew she could be. She is benefiting from me keeping other people's children in our home in ways that I could never have imagined. I realize that maybe I need to push her a little harder, expect a little more of her, and tell her how proud she makes me.
Maybe, just maybe, I have been babying her and holding her back.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Please help if you can...............
This in one of the many great women from Mom's United in Business (MUIB). She is participating in the March of Dimes walk this Saturday in North Carolina. Please help her reach her donation goal and help the smallest of our children have a fighting chance!
Mom's United in Business
In my networking efforts as a Mom and Entrepreneur........I came across a great group of women that have helped me in my endeavors and taught me great things. I am still in the search of my own definition of success, but so much closer because of the help these women have gave me.
I am talking about Mom's United in Business. It's a great resource for mom's that are or plan to work from home. There are moms and entrepreneurs there from every walk of life. Some married, some divorced, and some remarried. Some have 1, 2, 3, 4, or even more kids. Some have never worked outside of the home a day in their life, and some have full time jobs while also running their business. Some even run more than one online business. I have seen businesses from pet products, health products, online advertising, custom written poems, and so much more. I have come across several that are in the children's boutique clothing business like me.
I have asked questions about HTML, about advertising, about writing articles and I always get a heartfelt response with as much info as they can humanly give me. Many wonderful women have even asked personal questions about how to handle situations and there is always someone willing to listen and help. It's a great place.
For those of us struggling to get these businesses off the ground, this would be a great place to start. They have a yahoo email group for you to start. No cost to you (for now its free to join) and there are no posting quotas, so come in and check it out. Read some posts and lurk awhile as you aclimate yourself..........then jump in there and ask a question and see just how much they all care about helping you. This is so much more than just a place to network......it's a safe place for mom's who need support.
I am talking about Mom's United in Business. It's a great resource for mom's that are or plan to work from home. There are moms and entrepreneurs there from every walk of life. Some married, some divorced, and some remarried. Some have 1, 2, 3, 4, or even more kids. Some have never worked outside of the home a day in their life, and some have full time jobs while also running their business. Some even run more than one online business. I have seen businesses from pet products, health products, online advertising, custom written poems, and so much more. I have come across several that are in the children's boutique clothing business like me.
I have asked questions about HTML, about advertising, about writing articles and I always get a heartfelt response with as much info as they can humanly give me. Many wonderful women have even asked personal questions about how to handle situations and there is always someone willing to listen and help. It's a great place.
For those of us struggling to get these businesses off the ground, this would be a great place to start. They have a yahoo email group for you to start. No cost to you (for now its free to join) and there are no posting quotas, so come in and check it out. Read some posts and lurk awhile as you aclimate yourself..........then jump in there and ask a question and see just how much they all care about helping you. This is so much more than just a place to network......it's a safe place for mom's who need support.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Fabulous finds for the week of April 7th
I have found some incredible talent this week. Check these out!!

These will match your Euro mermaid outfit perfectly!!

Got to love that face, and the tie is just as cute!!

Love love love this Cat in the Hat set!!

Her wallets are amazing, but this sock monkey is just so endearing!

Can't help but love this rhumba top and that big bow on her head!!

Last but not least, this designer is one of the most talented on eBay! Check out her clippies!
These will match your Euro mermaid outfit perfectly!!
Got to love that face, and the tie is just as cute!!
Love love love this Cat in the Hat set!!
Her wallets are amazing, but this sock monkey is just so endearing!
Can't help but love this rhumba top and that big bow on her head!!
Last but not least, this designer is one of the most talented on eBay! Check out her clippies!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Featured Designer Interview week of March 24th -28th
How did you come up with your boutique name or ebay id?
I first stepped into ebay as a buyer buying mostly upholstery fabrics for my house. After I started making/selling custom clothing, I came up with "It's TuRtLeY Me!" as my boutique name with a cute turtle in my logo. As I started learning more about the boutique world, I thought it might be confusing having a separate boutique name from my ebay id (921mojo). "Mojo" came from my forever baby cat (he is now 8 years old).
What is your favorite color?
This is a tough question to answer in one word. I like almost all colors (vibrant, subtle, in between...etc). I find it challenging and fun combining them and coming up with a unique outfit.
Do you remember the first thing you sold on eBay?
It was my turtle set. A three tier ruffly skirt and appliqued tank top. On the back of the top it said "It's TuRtLeY Me!", the name I used as my boutique name for a while.
What does your favorite meal include?
This is another tough question. I like everything and eat everything! I can honestly say that I really miss the traditional Japanese food my mother makes since I live so far away from my parents.
If you could learn one new skill, crafting related or not, what would it be?
The sewing related skill that I would love to learn is smocking. I admire all the beautiful work done by other smocking designers!
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
Having a vacation and traveling to the Caribbean would be wonderful. Traveling to Hawaii and meeting my family there would be so great!
What do you like to do when you are not creating?
I love cooking a variety of foods, especially multi-national foods.
Do you have a favorite movie or book?
I love reading suspense/mystery novels with romance.
How about music, do you listen to it while creating, does it inspire you??I like listening to classical music, but only solo instrument. Violin and piano are my top choices. Orchestras get a little too much for me most of the time. If a singer is involved, I like listening to gypsy music.
Are you affiliated with any design groups?
I'm with the group Melimelo. I've been with them for three months now.
Do you have any unusual talents?
My husband is always amazed at my ability to cook without a recipe and always come up with something he enjoys. Ok, I guess it is not unusual, but I can't think of anything else! I asked my 6 year old son what I do different from other moms, he said "You have a Japanese accent!"
Tell us something unique about you that no one knows?
A good friend of mine, who actually was the singer at my wedding party, was a teen idol in the 1950's and knew Elvis and Marilyn Monroe. He wrote a song for me called "Noriko".
Anything else you would like to add?
Thank you for letting me be the feature here!
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