How did you come up with your boutique name or ebay id?
I first stepped into ebay as a buyer buying mostly upholstery fabrics for my house. After I started making/selling custom clothing, I came up with "It's TuRtLeY Me!" as my boutique name with a cute turtle in my logo. As I started learning more about the boutique world, I thought it might be confusing having a separate boutique name from my ebay id (921mojo). "Mojo" came from my forever baby cat (he is now 8 years old).
What is your favorite color?
This is a tough question to answer in one word. I like almost all colors (vibrant, subtle, in between...etc). I find it challenging and fun combining them and coming up with a unique outfit.
Do you remember the first thing you sold on eBay?
It was my turtle set. A three tier ruffly skirt and appliqued tank top. On the back of the top it said "It's TuRtLeY Me!", the name I used as my boutique name for a while.
What does your favorite meal include?
This is another tough question. I like everything and eat everything! I can honestly say that I really miss the traditional Japanese food my mother makes since I live so far away from my parents.
If you could learn one new skill, crafting related or not, what would it be?
The sewing related skill that I would love to learn is smocking. I admire all the beautiful work done by other smocking designers!
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
Having a vacation and traveling to the Caribbean would be wonderful. Traveling to Hawaii and meeting my family there would be so great!
What do you like to do when you are not creating?
I love cooking a variety of foods, especially multi-national foods.
Do you have a favorite movie or book?
I love reading suspense/mystery novels with romance.
How about music, do you listen to it while creating, does it inspire you??I like listening to classical music, but only solo instrument. Violin and piano are my top choices. Orchestras get a little too much for me most of the time. If a singer is involved, I like listening to gypsy music.
Are you affiliated with any design groups?
I'm with the group Melimelo. I've been with them for three months now.
Do you have any unusual talents?
My husband is always amazed at my ability to cook without a recipe and always come up with something he enjoys. Ok, I guess it is not unusual, but I can't think of anything else! I asked my 6 year old son what I do different from other moms, he said "You have a Japanese accent!"
Tell us something unique about you that no one knows?
A good friend of mine, who actually was the singer at my wedding party, was a teen idol in the 1950's and knew Elvis and Marilyn Monroe. He wrote a song for me called "Noriko".
Anything else you would like to add?
Thank you for letting me be the feature here!
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