Our featured model is 10 month old Madison, questions answered by her Mother Annie of madison*boutique
Madison is 10 months old. She started modeling when she was 7.5 months old. She is a very quick learner and is quite independent. She loves to explore and play. She is very good at throwing things and can throw balls very far. She loves to swing, bop to the music, and loves to be squished. She also loves to play with her big brother.

I didn’t know anything about custom boutique clothing on Ebay before. We just happened to win a custom set from Jennifer of Bella*Tessa. After seeing the beautiful outfit and the quality sewing and designer fabrics, we were hooked on custom boutique clothes. I have always had a love for photography and saw the beautiful pictures of the models in the auctions and thought that it would be a fun thing for Madison and me to do. She would be able to wear beautiful outfits and have memorable pictures. We hope we can do this for many more years to come.

The first set she modeled was a really cute brown and pink easter set by Creampuff*Couture.
We want to thank you very much for choosing Madison to be model of the month. We are so honored. We LOVE being part of All Things Boutique Group.

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