Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Just when I was thinking of cheating on my diet......

So I haven't felt well the last couple days. Just really worn down and feeling kind of weak and fatigued. I've had a cold or maybe even allergy symptoms for several days but I hadn't felt this bad until about Sunday evening. Then this morning I happened to check my BP and it was 99/67 with a heart rate of 61. That is really low for me. Even after meds I don't usually see numbers lower then 115/79. I think that may be why I feel so bad.

I decided to skip my morning dose of meds while I wait on the doctor to call me back and I will likely be cutting my BP med dose in half. I already feel better. Lower heart rate and blood pressure can definitely make you feel tired and fatigued.

Since today is Valentine's day, my hubby and I are going out to dinner tonight. Usually our weekly date night is Wednesday nights but tomorrow we have a Challenge party scheduled. Thinking about our date tonight, the fact that we will eat out, I was contemplating on making today my cheat day instead of Wednesday.  I was going to eat a microwavable breakfast biscuit this morning and then when I take my 14 year old to the orthopedist this afternoon I thought I would take her to lunch. So today would be a completely off diet day for me and I was completely OK with that. I started second guessing my plans when my BP was way down from normal.

Then I did my morning weigh in and low and behold I have dropped another pound!  So I will press on and stay on the wagon and the plan. It is working! Sometimes it is easier to give in and just do what you want rather then what is best for you, but try and stick with it. After all it took me 17 years to get here.....I should expect it take more then 30 days to correct it, huh?

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