Monday, March 11, 2013

Another month past and not a lot has changed around here.  The 2nd little munchkin I started keeping is finally adjusting to being in a home daycare setting away from his Mommy.  It's been a tough transition and I am just beginning to feel my head clear.

I am still trying to carve out time each day to read my Bible and worship the Lord but most days feel like I am failing miserably. It's ok, still training.

I am still working on self improvement. I have teamed up with my SIL and we are checking in with each other each day and trying to motivate each other to do 30 mins of exercise every day for 30 days.  I am choosing NOT to work out on Sundays and a couple days have been spring cleaning instead of organized exercise (like jogging or kickboxing) but I have don't pretty good. I have only missed one or two days in the last couple weeks where I didn't do any deliberate exercise.

My husband and I have been putting forth a concerted effort to work on our ebay businesses and bring in some income worth the effort we are putting into it. That has been going pretty good. We have worked on it most evenings. I am learning to be very deliberate with my time and working in 5 minutes here and there (between toddler activities, feedings and diaper changes) whenever I can to accomplish the things on my todo list.

The one thing that has really changed recently is I am making an effort to complete something as soon as I think of it. This means that I am more active during the day. I have to plan out the small blocks of time that the munchkins are napping for things that need to be done without little hands in the way.  And I leave things I can do while sitting with them for when they are otherwise occupied.  So far it's going pretty good. I stay busy all day, sleep better at night and feel pretty accomplished at the end of the day.

As my life and I are simultaneously evolving into something that I am more happy with I have realized that I really want to be more prepared for the unknowns in life. Things like job loss, illness, natural disasters, etc really scare me. So I am working toward making myself feel a little more prepared. It gives me a focus for my couponing, budgeting and the time in my day.  This aspect of my life will soon become an even bigger focus of my blogging. I need a creative outlet and the blog is that outlet. So stay tuned for the next phase of life change for me.

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