Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Firearms for Beginners; from the RoadWarrior

I know I have been kind of scarce the last several days and only re-posting links to others' blog posts. I have been doing lots of research into things and continuing to work on my own emergency preparation. I am working on my next blog post which is the final step and then I will begin to break down some of the components of emergency preparation. I am a newbie at this too and I am sharing my tips and hints as I go along so that you will hear from someone who has the same questions and struggles.

One of the things my husband and I have been discussing, but not yet decided on, is whether we want to own firearms to protect ourselves. It's been something on our mind for several years. We have never owned a gun because we believed the risk was too great before with small children in our house (not that it's wrong to own them if you have children, we just chose not to take the risk.) Now that our children are 18, 15, and 13 things are a little different. We believe we should have the right to bear arms and since that right is currently under scrutiny and danger of being taken away we also believe that it is time to exercise that right. It's kind of like a silent vote. If most people don't use the right then it is more likely to be taken away.

However purchasing a gun is anything but simple. If you have never been around guns and don't have any knowledge to go on then it is a daunting task to be sure. We really have no idea where to start. Today I came across a blog post geared directly toward the beginner. Great information!  Already I am forming an idea of which guns we may want to start with and what calibers are most popular.

This is to be only Part 1 in a series so make sure to keep checking back for further blog posts. I am looking forward to the next post and I am searching for a copy of Cartridges of the World as I type for further research.

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